Agenda item


Marketing Means will present the Wellbeing Survey to the Board.


Rob Nelder, Public Health Consultant reported that they undertook to carry out the Wellbeing Survey because they weren’t good at measuring wellbeing and to generate baseline information for Plymouth.  It would enable them to focus on wellbeing over time.  Colin Slocombe and Chris Bowden from Marketing Means provided the Board with a presentation on the Wellbeing Survey.  Please click on link below to access the Wellbeing presentation.



In response to questions raised, it was reported that -


a)    to get a representative sample, the data had been weighted and half of the sample received from 60 years plus.  Then weighted by ward and was a representative as a sample of this size;


b)     the break down was to a locality and ward level, they could come down to post code level but were looking at very low numbers in particular areas;


c)    the data collected would start to inform the work around 4-4-54 (Thrive Plymouth).  The Public Health team would be undertaking a series of deep dive events and would be inviting experts to discuss in more detail how to address the 4 behaviours in the city. ;


d)    they were looking a repeating the Wellbeing Survey every 2 to 3 years to ensure that progress had been made.


Agreed that the Health and Wellbeing Board note the Wellbeing Survey.