Agenda item


The Forum will be provided with an update on the Local Nature Partnership.


Kat Deeney (Natural Infrastructure Manager) provided Members with an update on the Local Nature Partnership.


Members were advised that –



a briefing note upon the Local Nature Partnership (LNP) was submitted to the 15 December 2014 LAF meeting;



Local Nature Partnerships were set up as part of the Natural Environment White Paper 2011;  the intention of the Partnership was to be a strategic lead for local environmental issues;



there were 43 LNPs across the country, each having had to apply to DEFRA for approval. There was a huge variety in LNPs across the country as some were larger covering a number of different regions whereas Plymouth’s was one of the smallest. It was considered that all LNPs worked very differently as they were locally determined;



Plymouth’s LNP had a mixed partnership with a representative of Plymouth City Council currently acting as interim Chair. Other members included representation from the Environment Agency, South West Water and Plymouth Marine Institute; it was hoped that Public Health would be represented on the board shortly;



Plymouth’s LNP meetings were scheduled quarterly; the focus of the LNP itself was to be the Champion and Strategic Lead for the Partnership’s three themes: growth, water and health & wellbeing;



the LNP had a good link with the Local Economic Partnership; it was considered that this link provided greater influence on local projects, especially the Growth Plan;



Kat Deeney (Natural Infrastructure Manager) and a representative from Somerset LNP had secured a seat on the Leadership Group of which they shared and alternated their attendance;



policies included in the Plymouth Plan had been proofed by the Local Nature Partnership; planning authorities were required to engage with LNPs;



South West Water had invested £120m for the water treatment works at Roborough in Plymouth. The current focus was the modelling work for the project with the end product of significantly increasing the quality of water in the Sound by 2020;



the health themed focus of Plymouth’s LNP concentrated upon linking with the Health & Wellbeing Board to target the reduction in activity levels of Plymouth residents; it was considered that the natural environment had a huge role to play in improving this issue. A joint bid for funding with Public Health for the Active Neighbourhoods Lottery Scheme had successfully achieved stage 1 and it was considered that there was approximately a 75% chance of receiving funding at stage 2; the outcome would be announced in September 2015.



Plymouth LNP was currently working on a short film detailing the role of the Partnership; it was expected that this would be completed within three to four months’ time.


In response to questions raised it was reported that –



LNPs were not provided with funding from Government, unlike Local Enterprise Partnerships, therefore resourcing of the Partnership was an issue. Plymouth City Council provided the secretarial role and representation at meetings however this was provided in-house;



the Assistant Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure was the interim Chair on Plymouth’s LNP;



the LNP focused on the natural environment when proofing the Plymouth Plan; the next stage of the plan would provide more detail regarding site allocations for green space, development and housing. A refresh of the green space evidence base was due to be undertaken in April 2015;



the local green space designation planning policy framework consultation was due to commence in Summer 2015; Kat Deeney confirmed she would keep the Chair of the LAF updated on the progress of the consultation;



when Plymouth’s LNP was put forward for adoption by Defra, the boundary of the LEP also had to be included;



there was potential for the LAF to engage with the officer group of the LNP; the next board meeting was scheduled for 15 April 2015;



the three key milestones for the LNP were (1) securing representation on the Leadership Board, (2) having so many organisations together on one Board and (3) working with South West Water to secure additional funding which would help improve water quality in Plymouth;



work was ongoing with the Saltram Plan; meetings didn’t take place regularly however Kat was due to meet the new manager in a few weeks’ time to ensure that the Masterplan was embedded.


Members noted the update and thanked Kat for her attendance.


Agreed that Kat Deeney would update the Chair of the LAF on the progress of the Green Space Designation consultation that was due to commence in September 2015.