Agenda item

SAB Business 2015/16


The Chair shared with the Board the Strategic Plan and structure for the Plymouth Safeguarding Adults Board.  The Chair asked Board members to review and feedback any comments but would also welcome any obvious feedback today.  The logo will be looked at but appreciate that Plymouth City Council are the lead partner for this Board.  It was reported that -


·         there was a need to understand the relationship of this Board with the Health and Wellbeing Board and other groups; 


·         we need to understand the governance and what we will be focussing on, a lot of things have changed since the 1 April 2015 and need to look at how this all joins up;


·         the recently published Domestic Homicide Review is a useful learning tool and the  link will be circulated to Board members;


·         at the next Board meeting look at performance in more detail and the areas of the performance that we need to focus on.  DS Paul Northcott added that it was important to look at areas of challenge and to capture this within the annual report;


·         getting a framework around the key priorities and looking at the likely timings. Recognise the need for named individuals to be assigned to each objective for  accountability;


·         within the plan there is a need for Board members to form a series of task and finish groups and accordingly would like full commitment from the board;


·         Geoff Baines raised that this is the first strategic plan for this Board and there wasn’t an established discipline for using one or basic rules of engagement.  Need to have the early rules agreed and if things do change there is an agreed process to make the necessary changes;


·         Tony Staunton added that there is a need for clarity on the role for the sub groups regarding what they are tasked to undertake.  The Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board worked extensively to make sure they had the right group and devolved power to agree to things, and ensured capacity to  undertake work  and report back into the board.  This Board needs to be really clear on what you want the sub groups to do;


·         keen to understand through our performance how well we are doing and how we manage and mitigate risks;


·         PSCB request their members to sign a Declaration of Interest form and would like the same for PSAB;


·         would like the PSAB to have a development day to develop relationships and look at what works well and not so well.  Looking at holding two dates this year and will circulate dates;


·         looking at different venues and settings for holding meetings, to make the Board more accessible and to raise our profile within the community.  Look at what is free across the city, maybe an open day and looking for suggestions;


·         there was a gap in the membership from primary care. People with experience in safeguarding can provide feedback from residential and domiciliary care providers. They have direct  contact with  adults at risk; we could look at nominations from the Dom Care and Dignity in Care  forums;


·         Phil Smale reported that he was the link between this board and PSCB;


·         NHS England will attend the meeting if specifically requested;


·         whether the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner should be part of this board as they make  a financial contribution to the budget;


·         the fire and ambulance service to be confirmed as part of the partnership agreement;


·         Prevent work around counter terrorism should be referenced with the terms of reference;


·         there was a lot of duplication between the proposed Terms of Reference and the Partnership Agreement for the Board. Need to look at how we reconcile them, and will review what Devon’s Board has done.


Agreed that –


1.         Links to the Domestic Homicide Review to be circulated to the Board.


2.         The Board to feedback their comments to Jane with regard to the PSAB Business Plan/Terms of Reference/Partnership Agreement.


3.         Comments on the plan will be reviewed at the first Executive Meeting.


4.         Final draft of the Plan to be signed off at next PSAB meeting.


5.         A set of ‘ground rules’ to be produced for the PSAB Plan.


6.         A letter to be sent to the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board to look at the relationship with the PSAB.


7.         A Declarations of Interest form will be circulated to PSAB members.


8.         Two Development Days for the PSAB will be set up over the next year.  Dates will be circulated to the PSAB.


9.         Suggestions for suitable venues to hold the PASB meeting would be welcomed.


10.       Pull together the Terms of Reference and Partnership Agreement into one document.  Look at what Devon has done.

Supporting documents: