Agenda item


To receive questions from and provide answers to the public in relation to matters which are about something the council is responsible for or something that directly affects people in the city, in accordance with Part B, paragraph 11 of the Constitution.


Questions, of no longer than 50 words, can be submitted to the Democratic Support Unit, Plymouth City Council, Ballard House, West Hoe Road, Plymouth, PL1 3BJ, or email to Any questions must be received at least five complete working days before the meeting.


Three questions were submitted by members of the public for this meeting, in accordance with Part B, paragraph 11 of the Constitution.

Mr Seaman attended the meeting and asked the following question.  Councillor Evans responded as set out below -


Question No

Question By

Cabinet Member



Q 5 (15/16)

Mr  John Seamons

Councillor Evans (Council Leader)

Use of Mobility Scooters

Disability and the use of mobility scooters has increased, whilst many drivers have little/no training causing a danger to themselves and the public. Enforcing speed limits, compulsory training and dealing with offenders appropriately will encourage the sensible use, keeping users and the public safer.

What are PCCs plans regarding this?



There is no legal requirement for someone to have undertaken training, or undertake any exam, in relation to the use of mobility scooters.  The Council encourage all users of mobility scooters take the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills around the safe use of mobility scooters, for both themselves and other people. 


Shop Mobility in Plymouth, located within Mayflower East and Drakes Circus car parks, provide mobility scooters and train users before the customer take the scooters.  Customers can contact Lesley Hargreaves at Access Plymouth, Mayflower East Car Park on telephone number 600633 or email for details.


The following question and response were circulated and Ms Casey having declined to ask the question at the meeting, was advised that the written response would be set out in the minutes of the meeting -   


Question No

Question By

Cabinet Member



Q 6 (15/16)

Ms Alison Casey

Councillor Evans (Council Leader)

Planning Committee Joint Chairs

I see now joint political leadership which will help towards the council’s commitment to Planning Committee being non-political.

However, can I ask why in the past have the chairperson and vice-chair been of the same political party and an extra member on the committee from the ruling group?


There is no political alliance between the two largest political parties on Plymouth City Council as suggested by your question.



In the absence of Mr Kerswell, the following question and response were circulated and a written response would be sent to him after the meeting - 


Question No

Question By

Cabinet Member



Q 7 (15/16)

Mr A Kerswell

Councillor Evans (Council Leader)

Legal Action against OPOB (our place our base)

How much money did the council spend on the court case by taking legal action against OPOB (our place our base), along with what was the outcome of such action to have any benefit to the residents of Plymouth, and why compensation had to be paid out of the council’s coffers.  


The Council can issue a Community Protection Notice ( a CPN ) to any individual aged over 16 years of age, or a body such as a Company, if satisfied  on reasonable grounds that

(1) the conduct of the individual or body is having a detrimental effect, of a persistent or continuing nature, on the quality of life of those in the locality, and

(2) the conduct is unreasonable.

A CPN is not to be confused with a PIN – which is a Police Information Notice. A PIN can be served by the Police on individuals whose course of conduct towards another is considered by the Police to be such as to cause that person to feel afraid, alarmed or distressed. The conduct complained of must be such that a reasonable person would think it amounted to or involved harassment.

Whilst it would be inappropriate to publicly discuss details surrounding the legal proceedings, I can confirm that the Council issued a CPN against Mr Gibson and OPOB News Limited resultant from their persistent and numerous on – line activities which was having a detrimental effect on the lives of some Council employee’s and was causing alarm and distress to members of the public.

The Council incurred costs of less than £500 in acting as Respondent to Appeals against the CPNs bought by Mr Gibson and OPOB News Limited. The Appeals against the CPNs were withdrawn by Mr Gibson and OPOB News Limited and there was no compensation awarded as has been suggested by the questioner. Accordingly, the CPN’s remain in place against Mr Gibson and OPOB News Limited.