Agenda item

Safeguarding Manager Report


Jane Elliot Toncic provided the board with the Safeguarding Manager’s Report.  It was reported that –


Adult Safeguarding Conference


The Conference in June was well received with much positive feedback.  Projection so far is that we will come in approx. £1000 under budget, a lot of this being due to the support from the University.  The University is very keen maintain the partnership and are suggesting holding similar events every 2 years. Positive learning from the event raised questions over charging for attendance and focus on local or wider coverage.


The following comments were made by board members:-

·         well attended event and very informative;

·         to share learning from the Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board (PSCB)  Conferences and the differences between the two conferences;

·         the audience was regional and was a good quality conference for this region which isn’t easy to get to.  We need to think about own profile and the value of having a wider audience;


The Chair thanked Jane Elliot Toncic and the team for an excellent event. 




·         presentations from the conference to be circulated to board members and;

·         for the Executive Group to take forward the conference work.


Modern Slavery


Ian Ansell highlighted to the board the issue of support for victims; this is a national issue especially with regards to housing priority.  We need to share the learning from previous experience of operations and if we are identifying gaps in some services we need to know how to respond.  Jim Coldwell was best sighted to look at this and provide an update at the next meeting.


ACTION – Jim Coldwell to attend the next meeting of the PSAB and provide the board with a presentation on modern slavery


Devon Event – Information has been circulated to members and aligned agencies regarding the Modern Slavery event in Exeter on 25th in September, Plymouth has approx. 200 places.


Devon and Cornwall Police:  Central Safeguarding Team (CST) and Vulnerability Screening Tool (VIST)


DS Paul Northcott reported that this was moving at a pace along with related training.  In the Torbay pilot referrals for children went down and adult referrals went up, the need to work together with partners on this is recognised. Julian Mouland is attending the local Devon and Cornwall Police workshop and will feedback to LOG.


Mental Health Crisis Concordat

Discussion took place regarding the Mental Health Crisis Concordat and that the CCG Devon wide action plan in response. We need a plan for Plymouth, and will ask for a presentation to the next meeting.


ACTION - The Chair will contact Paul O’Sullivan, CCG Commissioning Lead to discuss a bespoke plan for Plymouth


Outreach to GP Surgeries


Links have been made with the local Practice Managers network to improve awareness among primary care professionals. The CCG reported that they have appointed 2 Safeguarding nurses, to be the link between primary care and safeguarding adults and children. 


Financial Abuse Training


The second financial abuse training for the VCS was well received with 40+ people in attendance.


Care Act


Discussion took place regarding the DASM role, the need for every organisation to have one and development of a network.  The new Department of Health draft guidance has been circulated to Executive Group to look into. 


ADASS SW Regional Leads Group are proposing a regional conference In Exeter on the Care Act in the 2nd week November.  JET will circulate details when she receives them, there will be a certain number of places for each board.

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