Agenda item

SAB Business 2015/16


Discussion around the final version of the Strategic Plan and the chair noted it will now be the principle document for Board members.  Request for a Word version to be sent to Board Members


It was agreed that ToR should include a shared understanding of and commitment to budget. JET will add this to the ToR




Rob Sowden provided the board with an update on performance data and the first draft of the performance framework, with a proposal to link this to a risk register.


Chair asked the Board to support Rob with access to other data to help develop the risk register, and noted that Performance management and a risk register would be a standing item on the agenda




·         there was an increase in DoLS applications showing the impact of recent case law. 


·         it was reported that a small number of DoLS applications were inappropriate;


·         the board were assured that there is an action plan to address increased demand;


Concerns progressing to Enquiries


·         there were a higher number of concerns in April, May and  June.  It was reported that this would be looked at in more detail; 


·         we have been notified by NHS Information Centre that we have comparatively high numbers with ‘no action taken’ at conclusion of enquiry.  This is a process issue, there will be staff awareness sessions to address this and seek recording alternatives to ‘no action taken’;


·         data can now be tracked monthly which means information can be populated easier.


ACTION - All board members to read through the performance report and to feedback to Rob Sowden and Jane Elliott Toncic on what you would like to see.  Also look at how your individual organisations might be able to give support to Rob as this item will be a standing agenda item





PSAB Budget


Presentation of the breakdown of the budget for 2015/16.  JM explained that there would not be a contribution from the Community Rehabilitation Company and that next year the budget would be split 3 ways between the statuary members, PCC, New Devon CCG and Police and Crime Commissioner.

Any additional costs such as Safeguarding Adult Review (s) would be split between the 3 statuary members.


DoLS Update


Ross Azzam provided the board with an update.  It was reported that an action plan was in place, including DoLS office recruitment and commissioning of independent Best Interest Assessors.  Chair requested circulation of the action plan to members;


An update was provided on the Lasting Power of Attorney and Advanced Decisions training for frontline staff; feedback from the day was very positive.  Sessions are booked through to the end of March and there were still places available.  All relevant agencies have been advised of the training.


Sue Baldwin had earlier asked about the number of inappropriate applications.  Ros explained that the numbers are relatively small and equate to approximately 10 per cent; 


Geoff Baines confirmed the MCA/DoLS task and finish group were planning to meet in August and would be developing their ToR.  Sue Baldwin reported that there could be some funding available to support the work of the group and would circulate the criteria for funding.

Supporting documents: