Agenda item


The Board will be presented with the Public Health Annual Report and the Board to consider how the city could respond to the challenges.


Sarah Lees, Public Health attended the meeting on behalf of Kelechi Nnoaham to answer the Board’s questions in relation to the Director of Public Health Annual Report 2014-15.  This is the first report as Director of Public Health who has responsibility to produce an independent report on the health of the local population.


The following comments were made –


(a)          this report is interwoven and embedded throughout the Plymouth Plan and community safety, fear of crime and how safe people feel within their communities was well embedded;


(b)          each organisation needs to make a commitment to take this back to their own organisations for wider dissemination useful;


(c)          the challenge for the Health and Wellbeing Board is to ensure that messages from the report are embedded in the actions we take and our behaviours;


(d)          the hospital employs 6,000 people and Kelechi helped launch the hospital’s health and wellbeing strategy and the messages in this report will underpin what we are doing for a healthy workforce.  The graphics within the report are excellent and should be used within with our own organisations.

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