Agenda item


The Board to receive the Commissioning Intentions from the Plymouth Integrated Commissioning Board (PICB).


Jerry Clough, NEW Devon CCG provided the Board with a presentation on the 4 Commissioning Strategies.  It was reported that -


(a)          there are 4 key strategies with one system and one budget to deliver our ambition, the 4 strategies are –


·        Wellbeing

·        Children and Young People

·        Community

·        Enhanced and Specialised Care


(b)          an overarching aim for a Health and Wellbeing system about improving outcomes, reduction inequalities, experience of care and the sustainability of our health and wellbeing system;


(c)          a system that is driven around the citizen, family and carers, about how we access services, people allowing to care for themselves and  only telling my story once was very important;


(d)          there are aims for each of the 4 strategies and 4 system design groups were being created to oversee the further development of the 4 strategies;


(e)          signing off the final versions would place us in a completely different strategic position to undertake the operational planning for 2016/17 based more firmly on these strategies;


(f)           a group of officers recently visited Tameside to discuss the similarities and differences between the work we had done on integrated commissioning.  The notable feature was the scope of our ambition and the end to end services we have in the integrated fund and 4 commissioning strategies was more than what Manchester were considering.  We have undertaken some really impressive work in capturing the range of work we have into 4 strategies which will guide our commissioning work for the future.


In response to questions, it was reported that -


(g)          each of the 4 strategies have a system design group which involves all partners interested in the strategies and welcome feedback from the Board on how partners can be represented.  The system design group will be relatively larger group engaging around the future of the strategies;


(h)          engagement events have been arranged to start discussions to shape the system design groups and recognising that the groups would be working in different way for each of the strategies;


(i)           each commissioning strategy has an action plan for 2015-16 and some of the actions would continue into 2016-17 and form the start of the 2016-17 plan.  The key elements in the action plan would be picked up by the system design group to look at how we change the system.   The system design group are not ‘talking shops’ they will be action focused on key pieces of work and addressing any changes to put back into the system;


(j)           with reference to domestic abuse and currently commissioned services across victims and perpetrators officers were looking at the needs and how we move to new commissioning when required and where do stop or commission in a different way;


(k)          the wellbeing aim is ambitious but the point is to try and get Kelechi’s determination and use of employer/employee relationship to drive up health improvements;


(l)           two board members are also members of Health Education England South West and we can influence this body to change the profile of education to put a focus on out of hospital care in support of the acute services. This would positively contribute to the Health Education England debate.


Agreed that a Solution Workshop to be arranged to have further discussions on shaping the Commissioning Strategies.

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