Agenda item


The Board to be provided with a paper on the future responsibility of the production of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.


Sarah Lees, Public Health provided the Board with a paper on the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.  This is consideration that Kelechi has had with the JSNA Steering Group to rationalise where we are considering all things that might equate to be the same thing and to bring into the same forum in terms of the JSNA and intelligence around system performance for the integrated health and wellbeing system moving forward.  The suggestion that the group would change to the Integrated System Performance and Intelligence Group (ISPIG) which would become the body responsible for producing the JSNA in a much more co-ordinated way.


The following comments were made -


(a)          ISPIG membership includes representatives from across public health and social care and the local authority are charged from bringing together the JSNA with the expectation topic specific arises then other people can come in to supplement the work of the group;


(b)          Healthwatch not mentioned as a member of the group and represents service users in the city as well as gathering intelligence across the city.  The Terms of Reference makes no mention of ISPIG reporting back to the Health and Wellbeing Board and as a Board member not actively involved in managing healthcare need to be able to access the latest information to help me undertake my role better especially from a Healthwatch perspective;


(c)          would like to see a map of the governance of the group which has the potential with this membership to take on a much wider remit of the JSNA across the region in which Plymouth resides but isn’t clear how the specific focus of Plymouth would play out.  When we talk about systems would welcome the move to embed this in a wider system to take a wider remit across the region;


(d)          Dr Paul Hardy gave reassurance that this group was in formative stages and set to address a gap that he and Kelechi had identified.  The group have met and business had changed at each meeting and asked the Board for its patience while they address the gap and to ascertain whether they need to make changes to address the broader agenda;


(e)          it was suggested that the Board may find it beneficial to go through the complete process because this group fits into the overall governance structure that has been agreed to deliver the integrated commissioning budget and very detailed map of all the groups set up.  Progress to date at a Solution Workshop;


(f)           the document talks about health and health inequalities and 80% of police activity doesn’t relate to crime but relates to issues of harm and vulnerability and will some health issues and how do we get that strongly enough reflected in this work?.


The Health and Wellbeing Board agreed the recommendations as set out in the report –


1.         The production of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment becomes the responsibility of the Integrated System Performance and Intelligence Group (ISPIG).


2.         The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Steering Group meeting planned for coming are cancelled.


3.         The Director of Public Health (as Chair of the ISPIG) provides updates to the Health and Wellbeing Board on the ISPIG workplan and in particular the ongoing development of the JSNA in Plymouth.


The Health and Wellbeing Board also agreed -


4.         Board directed the ISPIG group to ensure its membership of data / intelligence officers cover the entirety of the pooled budget (Community Services, Housing, Children’s etc).


5.         ISPIG will be considered alongside governance of the pooled budget and commissioning plans through a HWB workshop.  All members asked to attend.

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