Agenda item


The Co-operative Scrutiny will receive the Corporate Performance Report – Corporate Plan Second Year Review and Pledge Update (July 2015) for consideration.


The Senior Policy, Performance and Partnerships Officer (Alison Ward) and the Performance and Research Officer (Alan Knott) presented the corporate performance report – corporate plan second year review and pledge update which highlighted the following key areas –



the reported provided the rationale for the reinvigoration of the Corporate Plan;




the plan on the page provided direction for the Council in terms of values, objectives and outcomes; it continued to be well received both internally and externally for the clarity with which it sets out the vision for the Council;





the plan outlined the actions being taken in order to deliver the outcomes and measures;





the review process did not seek to amend the values, objectives or outcomes for the plan (the plan would remain the same);




a review of the Corporate Plan was undertaken during April/May 2015 which considered the progress after two years of action; the review focused on the key activities and performance indicators underpinning the delivery of the plan and considered if there were any gaps in the current/future priorities;




the outcome of the review did identify some risks to the successful  delivery of the outcome expectations; a number of changes to the key actions and performance indicators to realign the plan to ensure successes were achieved had been recommended, as follows –





completion of one key action (K42);



slight alteration to wording of one key action (K23);



recommendation for an additional nine performance indicators;



removal of one performance indicator (P17);





the outstanding pledges had been reviewed and realigned in order to be completed by the end of March 2016;  a Pledge from the original 100 Pledges which was incomplete had been added to the list;




a total of 37 out of the 51 pledges had now been completed against a target of 40;  there were three Pledges that were overdue but the activities needed to achieve them were in place and in many cases were virtually complete.


In response to questions raised by the Board, it was reported that –



with regard to key action 43 (pioneering in reducing the City’s carbon emissions and leading in environmental and social responsibility), the annual targets for carbon emissions were contained within the Plymouth Plan;




with regard to the new performance indicator (26) (proposed that a measure was included which tracked customer satisfaction would be included in quarter three), this indicator was still being scoped but there were mechanisms in place to capture the information required;





with regard to the new performance indicator (34) (increase GVA (Gross Value Added) (per head), the indicator provided an opportunity to capture the information at a Plymouth level per head of population and compare that to the rest of the country/Council’s family group;





with regard to the new performance indicator (27) (percentage of residents with no qualifications) both academic and vocational data would be able to be captured as measures were already in place to do so;




with regard to the new performance indicator (29) (the percent of (adults) residents who volunteer at least once per month) the information was captured as part of the Cities of  Service initiative;




with regard to the new performance indicator (32) (a measure based on safety questions asked of young people in school would be included in quarter three), this indicator was currently being scoped.


Agreed that –



corporate performance report 2014/15 quarter four and 2015/16 quarter one to be provided to the Board with the exception report at the next meeting;





key actions and Performance Indicators will be considered within the next available cycle of Panel planning meetings and outcome leads identified in the Plan will need to attend and provide Panels with the following information –





current action plan to deliver key actions;



resources used/required to undertake activity;



key milestones and deadlines;



progress toward outcome as illustrated by indicator.


The Chair thanked the officers for attending the meeting.

Supporting documents: