Agenda item


Board members to receive a report and presentation on the CAMHS Transformation Plan.


Emily Street, Commissioner, NEW Devon CCG reported that additional money of £1.5m has been provided for CAMHS for Plymouth, Devon and Torbay.  It was reported that -


(a)           they had undertaken a lot of engagement to hear of the voice of young people and the key messages are:


·         More information on mental health;

·         Support to avoid a crisis;

·         Emergency help in a crisis;

·         People who listen and treat them with respect;

·         Services to be closer to home.


(b)        they consider the following to be the main priorities:


Early Intervention

·         working with partners and peers;

·         early intervention with support at Tier 1 and 2;

·         working with adult providers for all age pathways.


                        Crisis Response

·         implement requirement of Mental Health Crisis Concordat;

·         timely front door response in acute crisis 24/7;

·         assertive outreach over extended hours.


                        Children in Care (CiC)

·         remodelling CiC pathway;

·         enhanced, evidence based therapeutic interventions;

·         multiagency support for children on the edge of care.


                        Specific Services

·         embed self-harm evidence pathway;

·         extending eating disorders model across Devon and Plymouth in line with evidence base.


(c)           the Health and Wellbeing Board are requested to sign off the priorities.


The following comments were made by Board members –


·         not enough emphasis on the emotional resilience;

·         there was sight of the Public Health survey conducted with the 4,000 school children;

·         doesn’t include local issues and a local solution is required;

·         additional money would help to change the system.



Agreed that the Chairs of the Health and Wellbeing Board, Caring Plymouth and Children and Young People’s Partnership meet to sign off the CAMHS Transformation Plan subject to the changes made by the SRO for Children and Young People.

Supporting documents: