Agenda item

Discharge of the functions of the Police and Crime Commissioner

The Panel will be asked to consider the discharge of the function of the Police and Crime Commissioner under Devon and Cornwall Police and Crime Panel Rules of Procedure 2.1(7).


The Chair gave the four members of the Panel who requested this meeting the opportunity to ask their questions –


‘The code of conduct under which we all operate is based on the Nolan Principles of Public Life.  It stresses the fact that public perception of our behaviour is all important.  Do you therefore think it would have been better for you to have waited until you had been cleared by the investigation before taking up office?’

(Councillor Watson)


‘In hindsight would it have been prudent to discuss this issue with the Police and Crime Panel prior to the public referral to enable us to best support you in your role?’

(Councillor Brown)


‘Does this mean that any member of the Devon and Cornwall Force and your office, any of them who may be the subject of future investigations, will be allowed the same leniency as you have exhibited here, and not be required to be removed from duty or suspended during their period of investigation, and also what your comments might be in relation to recent comments made by the Police Federation on behalf of the Police?’

(Councillor Batters)


‘Your predecessor in the role of Police and Crime Commissioner, Tony Hogg, I think it’s fair to say took up the role at a time when there was very little public appetite for the role – election turnout in the order of 15% I seem to remember - and certainly very little knowledge of it.  During the course of his term of office he worked very hard and in his own words he says he believes that he built up the trust and confidence of the public in the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and I would add to that he did that largely in a non-political way.  He has recently said in an interview that he believes that your recent action have pretty much destroyed in 24 hours all that good work over the previous 4 years.  Would you agree with his statement?’ 

(Councillor Sutton)


Alison Hernandez (Police and Crime Commissioner) and Andrew White (OPCC Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer) were available to answer the Panel’s questions and address their concerns.


Members were advised that –



the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) -


·         was aware of, and followed, the Nolan Principles of Public Life;

·         was not aware of any negative feedback from members of the public;

·         had gained a lot of public support since being elected;

·         had met with the previous PCC, Tony Hogg, and had his full support;



the OPCC Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer had made the referral to the IPCC.  It was standard practice to refer any allegations against a PCC to the IPCC and this decision had been taken after consultation with the Chair. (members were reminded that responsibility for non-criminal complaints had been delegated to the OPPC Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer).  Arrangements had been made for an investigation to be conducted by another police force;



there was no automatic suspension or the need to stand aside when any conduct matter [of a PCC] was being considered and each case was considered individually.


The other Panel members were given the opportunity to ask further questions, and the responses to these are summarised below –



the PCC intended to review police station closures and look at local policing – both of these issues would be included in the Police and Crime Plan – a draft of which would be available at the July meeting;



the PCC appreciated the public concerns surrounding the allegation, and had received a great deal of support from members of the public;



the PCC worked well with the OPCC staff and had a good working relationship with the Chief Constable.  She was in the process of visiting police stations and meeting with staff.


The Chair adjourned the meeting at 11.23 am for the Panel to consider their action.