Agenda item

Sustainable Transformation Plan

The Board to receive a presentation on the Sustainable Transformation Plan.


In a change to the planned agenda Lee Budge presented to the board regarding “One System, One Aim” this was introduced as a look at how the Success Regime and Sustainable Transformation Plan would impact at a local level;


a)    the intention is to change behaviour to match the system. One system, One Aim sets out how the NHS intends delivering desirable outcomes for the patient population;


b)    One Aim is about rallying people around a single cause to act as one system;


c)    to achieve this all organisations must follow One Plan, which consists of One Standard, One Budget, One Workforce and One Infrastructure;


d)    a leadership and governance structure has been agreed overseen by a monthly Systems Development Board with a remit to deliver one aim on system.


e)    One Plan identifies 7 specific priority areas for 2016/17

·         Urgent care

·         Children and Young People

·         Elective Care

·         High cost packages

·         Developing Health and Wellbeing Hubs

·         Embed mental health in all priorities and align to the complex needs system

·         Redesign of primary care


f)     measure of success is to pinpoint what exactly can be achieved for a patient by 31 March 2017. Singular approach towards a clear outcome;


Questioning from the board covered;


g)    how does One system, One Aim fit with the Plymouth Plan;


h)    how are service users going to be represented and listened to;



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