Agenda item

Success Regime

The Board to receive a presentation on the Success Regime.


Nicola James, NEW Devon CCG explained that she would introduce the next 3 items. For clarity, as there had been some amendments to the titles and presentations accompanying the agenda, she explained that;


1.    Laura Nicholas, Director of Strategy for the CCG, would present on the Success Regime and Sustainability and Transformation Plan covering Plymouth, Devon and Torbay. This will provide an overall picture of the current situation.

2.    Lee Budge, Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust, would present what is now item 9; “One System, One Aim” this sets out the local Plymouth and Western area response to the Success Regime and what is being put in place locally to deliver recommendations.

3.    Craig McArdle, Plymouth City Council, would present item 10, the Integrated Commissioning System Action Plans, demonstrating how they link in and support what is being done in relation to the Success Regime.


Laura Nicholas provided the board with an update as to how the success regime was progressing;


It was reported that;


a)    the presentation was a high level overview of the situation at present across the three patches. The CCG and associated health bodies have a clear mandate for integration of services;


b)    the overall aims of the Sustainable Transformation Plan are address health inequalities, improve population health, improve outcomes and meet the increase in demand by working in a more integrated way to provide services at the same or less cost than at present;


c)    the STP is not intended to railroad the work that is already going on in Plymouth to deliver an integrated system for commissioning and delivery. The intention is to make sure the direction of travel is the same for all parties;


d)    the new care model will prioritise prevention, which has previously been overlooked as it does not show immediate quantifiable results. The STP has identified some areas, such as diabetes support, which could yield relatively quick positive results;


e)    primary care is a key plank of the plan. It is important that the infrastructure is in place to support early intervention at a primary care level;


f)     currently in phase 2b of the STP, developing proposals for change, focussing on developing a new care model and reducing the requirement for bed based care;


g)    2016/17 work will be focused on securing improvements in 5 areas;

·         Bed based care

·         Elective Care

·         Procurement

·         Continuing care

·         Agency spend


h)    consultation on next steps would start at the end of July. This looks at the likely impact to community hospitals and the provision of ambulatory care;


i)     there is likely to be a secondary stage of consultation in September regarding acute services.


The areas of questioning from the board covered;


j)     translating the plans into action;


k)    keeping a local focus;


l)     future proofing of plans in light of the EU referendum result;


m)   preventing Plymouth’s progress from being slowed by other parts of the STP footprint who are not keeping up with the rate of change;


n)    addressing the specific inequalities within Plymouth;


o)    early intervention for children’s mental health;


p)    health inequalities for children.




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