Agenda item

Changes to the composition and delivery of the council's overview and scrutiny function

Members will be asked to consider –

a.      the recommendations and report of the Co-operative Scrutiny Board, agreed in principle on 9 March 2016;

b.     and appoint Members to any resulting structure and agree committee dates;

c.      to consider the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel regarding an appropriate level of remuneration.


Appendix F to follow.


This report followed the decision to defer appointments to the scrutiny function made at the Annual General Meeting of the Council on 20 May 2016 and recommendations made by the Co-operative Scrutiny Board (CSB) on 9 March 2016.


Councillor Bowyer (Leader) proposed and Councillor James seconded the recommendations in the Council report, which included the adoption a two committee system of scrutiny (Appendix Ai, Option B, of the CSB report).


An amendment was proposed by Councillor Mrs Aspinall and seconded by Councillor Evans as follows –


Delete recommendation 11 and insert –


A timetable of meetings to be to be agreed by the Chair and Vice Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in consultation with the Monitoring Officer and published once agreed.


Following a vote the amendment was agreed unanimously.


A debate took place on recommendation 16 of the CSB report and the CSB minutes of 9 March 2016 - it was queried why recommendation 16 had been omitted from the Leader’s recommendations.


The meeting adjourned for 15 minutes to seek clarification.


After the meeting had been reconvened, David Shepherd, Head of Legal Services, confirmed that CSB recommendation 16 had not been omitted; it was included at recommendation 7 of the Council report - the the Leader had based his recommendations on the recommendations made by the CSB, but they were not identical.


The debate on the recommendations, as amended, continued and Councillor Mrs Pengelly put forward a closure motion (that the vote was taken immediately) which was seconded by Councillor Darcy.


Following a vote the closure motion was agreed.


Councillor Bowyer summed up and a vote was taken on recommendations 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the Council report.


Following a vote the motion was carried and the following was agreed:


1.       Recommendations 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and17 of the CSB report (Appendix A). The Lead Scrutiny Officer is directed to implement accordingly

2.       Recommendation 1 (Appendix A), implement Option B (Appendix A, i) as the recommended course of action to establish strong community involvement in the scrutiny function, retain oversight of executive decision making and reduce overall costs of the function

3.   Name the two committees the Place and Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee

7.      Recommendation 16 of the CSB report: ensure that paperless solutions are available for all Members through the Modern Government project currently within the change management pipeline

8.     Changes to the constitution as outlined in Appendices B and C of the report and the Monitoring Officer is instructed to implement all resultant and necessary administrative changes to the constitution

9.      Recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel (22 June 2016) on levels of Special Responsibility Allowances payable to scrutiny members in the new structure (Appendix F)

10.    Recommendation 8 (Appendix A of the CSB report) and establish a £10,000 training and development fund resourced from savings made in Special Responsibility Allowances

11.  The Chair and Vice Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees to agree a timetable of meetings, in consultation with the Monitoring Officer; to be published once agreed.


Following approval of the above, recommendations 4, 5 and 6 were agreed as follows:


4.     Appoint members from the largest minority group as Chairs and members of the ruling group as Vice-Chairs of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees and enshrine this within the constitution (CSB recommendation 7)

5.    Appoint 9 further members to the Place and Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee

6.      Appoint 9 further members to the Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Nominations for Place and Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee were submitted from the Labour Group –


Place and Corporate

Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Bowie (Chair)

Councillor Mrs Aspinall (Chair)

Councillor Mavin

Councillor Dann

Councillor Morris

Councillor Tuohy

Councillor Penberthy

Councillor McDonald

Councillor Sam Davey

Councillor Tuffin


The Conservative Group deferred their committee nominations to the next meeting of Full Council on 11 July 2016.

Supporting documents: