Agenda item

Integrated Commissioning System Action Plans

The Board to receive a presentation on the Integrated Commissioning System Action Plans.


Craig McArdle gave the board a summary of the Integrated Commissioning Action Plans for the next 12 months. It was reported that;


a)    a digital roadmap had been developed for submission alongside the Sustainable Transformation Plan. The aim of the Digital Road Map is to achieve a digital record of care, with all signatories paper free at the point of care by 2020.


b)    previous year has been successful in terms of integrated health in Plymouth, a number of achievements could be evidenced;


c)    focuses for the Integrated Commissioning Action Plan for Wellbeing include;

·         sport and leisure: a sports facility strategy has been commissioned;

·         a vision for Health and Wellbeing Hubs: Testing for the model has begun via workshops with stakeholders;

·         a focus on referral to treatment time and elective care: demand management ensuring sufficient capacity;

·         strengthening Primary Care.


d)    focuses for the Integrated Commissioning Action Plan for Children and Young People include;

·         faster integration of SEN services;

·         supporting permanency for children in care;

·         strengthening in house placement offer;

·         focus on CAHMS.


e)    focuses for the Integrated Commissioning Action Plan for Community include;

·         meeting complex needs: by oining up services such as those for alcohol and mental health;

·         new urgent care systems: with a focus on managing discharge and avoiding admissions.


f)     focuses for the Integrated Commissioning Action Plan for Enhanced and Specialist Care include;

·         enhanced funding:  for nursing, residential care and end of life care to reduce admissions;

·         driving up quality;

·         managing risk.


Areas of questioning from the board covered;


g)    integrating care and the schools achieving better outcomes for care leavers;


h)    the representation and development of primary care within the plans;


i)     quantifying outcomes.





Agreed that –


1.    That the Health and Wellbeing Board receive regular updates on the Success Regime and Sustainable Transformation Plan;


2.    That the Board’s challenge, laid down at its inception, of a fully integrated system of population health and wellbeing (commissioning and delivery) is clearly stated as the direction of travel in proposals resulting from the work of the Success Regime;


3.    That the Success Regime process should describe how Plymouth will receive its fair share of funding; and a timescale for a pace of change to the fair distribution of resource should be provided to the board.


4.    That the approach of the Digital Roadmap process is aligned to the Boards strategy as expressed through the Plymouth Plan.


5.    That the local response to the Sustainable Transformation Plan and integrated commissioning action plans are aligned to the objectives set by the Board in the Plymouth Plan.


6.    The lack of focus on primary care should be addressed in the Success Regime, Sustainable Transformation Plan and local action plans.



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