Agenda item

Questions from the Public

To receive questions from the public in accordance with the Constitution.


Questions, of no longer than 50 words, can be submitted to the Democratic Support Unit, Plymouth City Council, Ballard House, Plymouth, PL1 3BJ, or email to Any questions must be received at least five clear working days before the date of the meeting.



Two questions were submitted by the public.  Andrew Kerswell and Alison Casey were present at the meeting to ask their questions. 


Question submitted by: Andrew Kerswell


To the Cabinet Member for Transport and Housing Delivery  – Councillor Ricketts



This council claims to support the vulnerable this decision just shows you do not it’s the most vulnerable this hits hardest. Disabled persons are least who can afford this increase let alone be able to walk, or stand to pay handle the ticket or coins so can you reconsider this?



On the 6th December 2016 the Council announced a range of proposals relating to parking, as part of a Parking Modernisation Plan; proposals which the Council advised would be subject to consultation.


A meeting has already undertaken with the Plymouth Disability Action Network in relation to the proposals relating to blue badge holders and the Council will shortly announce details of when the consultation will commence on these proposals. The consultation period will run for 21 days and include details of the proposals published in the media and advertised through notices placed within car parks and On Street locations. Anyone is able to make representations in relation to any, or all, of the proposals during the consultation period.


All of the proposals, including those relating to blue badge holders, will be considered once the consultation has concluded. This enables the Council to review and consider all representations received, whereby the Council will then decide whether to implement, or not to implement, any of the proposals.



Question submitted by: Alison Casey


To the Leader of the Council – Councillor Bowyer



According to homeless organisations in Plymouth we still have a problem with homeless and rough sleepers. If this is correct – my question is:


Couldn't Plymouth follow the incentive that Exeter city council has taken by opening up one of their empty premises - if funding was available to run this?




We are proud of our recent history on homelessness in the City and continue to work closely with homeless organisations in Plymouth, but would agree there is more work to do.


We continue to ensure that Homelessness and Rough Sleeping is a priority for us as a city.


We have a good track record of maintaining funding into this sector and work well with our partners and stakeholders and through groups such as the Complex Lives partnership group continue to adapt and improve the single homelessness pathway.


We do not believe that the type of accommodation suggested in the question is needed in Plymouth at this time because currently in Plymouth we have 217 units of supported/hostel accommodation with a further 28 rooms in shared accommodation/move on accommodation with more to come on stream. We are working with all our partner agencies to ensure that we commission the right amount and types of accommodation to meet the complex needs of those who find themselves homeless or rough sleeping.


Partner agencies currently use a central assessment centre which has streamlined the process meaning bed spaces are being utilised more effectively with no voids and the prioritisation process means that those most in need including rough sleepers and those on safesleep are prioritised.