Agenda item

Waterfront BID Review


Councillor Jordan presented the Waterfront BID review.  This report sets out Plymouth City Council’s support for the renewal of the Plymouth Waterfront Partnership (PWP) Business Improvement District (BID) for Plymouth’s Waterfront. It defines the Council’s financial and other support for PWP’s Waterfront BID2 (2017-22) as well as a commitment to establish baseline agreements for the City Council’s existing services within the BID area.


Chris Arscott, Chairman of the Waterfront BID acknowledged Plymouth City Council’s support for the Waterfront BID and highlighted popular events that have taken place on the waterfront.  The BID would improve business profitability; celebrate heritage and community engagement whilst making the most of Mayflower 400.


Agreed that Cabinet:


1.         Endorse the principles and overall approach of the draft Waterfront BID2 Business Plan 2017-2022.

            Reason: To confirm the partnership approach to the Waterfront Business Improvement District and establish a framework for service improvement mechanisms within the Business Improvement District area.


2.         Approve the City Council’s existing and new commitments to secure financial, match and in kind contributions (totalling c8,911,000) and continued commitment to support the Waterfront BID at existing levels through the proposed BID Contract for the provision of services within the Waterfront Business Improvement District area.

            Reason: To enable the Plymouth Waterfront Partnership to implement the Business Plan 2017-2022.


3.         Authorise the Chief Executive to instruct a Ballot Holder to undertake a ballot of appropriate businesses with the Waterfront Business Improvement District area.

            Reason: To enable a ballot in the Business Improvement District area to be conducted in accordance with Section 35 of the Representation of the People Act 1983.


4.         Delegate to the Strategic Director for Place authority to vote on behalf of the City Council in the Waterfront Business Improvement District ballot.

            Reason: To discharge the City Council’s responsibilities in relation to the ballot as an occupier within the Waterfront Business Improvement District area in a timely manner consistent with the Business Improvement District ballot programme and in order to achieve the City Council’s wider economic and regeneration objectives for the city.


5.         Delegate to the Strategic Director for Place authority to approve the Waterfront Business District Contract provided that it accords with the general principles set out in this report.

            Reason: To allow the Business Improvement District Contract to be formally signed after the Business Improvement District ballot and in advance of the formal commencement of the new Business Improvement District for the period 2017-2022.


6.         PCC is responsible for managing Street Trading activity within the Waterfront BID area, with an agreed surplus of a minimum £20k generated from street trading, café licenses, events, fairs, festivals being transferred from PCC to PWP following the end of each financial year.

            Reason: To enable the PWP (working closely with PCC, promoters, event managers and others) to generate revenues that can then be reinvested for the BID’s delivery.


7.         The City Council will assist PWP with cash flow over the initial 6 months of its new BID.

            Reason: This will ensure that PWP can establish a trading operation and deliver BID Projects in a timely period.


8.         Referral to Scrutiny/Select Committee for consideration of the ballot result and the right to exercise the veto. That meeting will then make a recommendation to Full Council. Request the Overview and Scrutiny Commission to insert into their scrutiny work programme a review of the Business Improvement District proposals with a view to making a recommendation to the City Council regarding exercising its power of veto.

            Reason: To meet the requirements of Regulation 12 of the Business Improvement District (England) Regulations 2004 in relation to the use of the power of veto and to provide 4 independent scrutiny of the Business Improvement District proposals.

Supporting documents: