Agenda item

Plan for Libraries

Cabinet will consider the final proposals for the Plan for Libraries for recommendation to the Council meeting on the 3 July 2017.


Councillor Jordan, Cabinet Member for Culture gave thanks to all the staff involved in this project and to the members of the public that took part in the consultation which helped shaped the plan before us today.  Dave Saunders, Strategic Development Manager and Faye Batchelor-Hambleton, Assistant Director for Customer Services ran through the presentation and highlighted that they had undertaken a 12-week consultation which was praised by Scrutiny, officers and Cabinet Members attended 19 public events across the city listening to users and non-users on how to modernise the library service.  This plan covers a city-wide modern library provision for future generations.


Cabinet agreed to recommend that –


1.            Council notes that the statutory 12-week consultation process for the Plan for Libraries has been carried out in line with the Council’s duties under the Equalities Act 2010 and guidance in relation to the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964.


2.            Council notes the recommendations of the Scrutiny Select Committee of 15 May 2017 and the Cabinet’s response to them.


3.            Council adopts the ‘Plan for Libraries’ as its annual plan for libraries fulfilling the Council’s duties under the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 which requires Local Authorities to deliver a comprehensive and efficient public library service.


4.                  Council approves the outline delivery plan for the new library service, performance measures and outline communication, engagement and marketing plan for the new service.

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