Agenda item

Accountable Care System


Craig McArdle (Director for Integrated Commissioning, NEW Devon CCG) provided the Board with a presentation on the Accountable Care System; the presentation was attached to the supplement agenda pack.


Members discussed the importance of coordinated care across a variety of services including health organisations, the local authority, voluntary services, Police and housing and the impact this shift in care would have upon individuals in the city.


Agreed to form a sub group to fully understand the impact of the Alternative Care Delivery System to include the following Members: a representative from Public Health, Nick Pennell (Healthwatch), John Clark (Plymouth Community Homes), Councillor Tuffin (Shadow Lead for Health). Members of the Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee to be invited to participate.


Under this item Craig McArdle was invited to provide Board Members with an update on the £11m allocated in the budget to help with health and wellbeing. Members were advised that a significant amount of the first element of the funding, approximately £5m, would include supporting the NHS by avoiding admissions, tackling delays to transfer of care and developing care homes. A further £1m had been allocated to help local care markets and lower level prevention services by supporting social prescribing, health and wellbeing hubs and keeping people safe within the city.

Supporting documents: