Agenda item

Taxi Licensing Policy


The Leader introduced and highlighted that this report had gone before the Place and Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  The Committee made two recommendations which included the prohibition of e-cigarettes and training on the lifting and securing of wheelchairs for drivers.


Following a debate and questions, it was recommended that the use of e-cigarettes would be prohibited whilst driving with a fare paying passenger and to propose that safeguarding refresher training would be required to be undertaken every 5 years.


It was therefore agreed that Cabinet -


1.         Adopt the new Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy, including the amendment to prohibit the use of e-cigarettes or similar devices whilst fare paying passengers are on board and include refresher training for safeguarding every five years. 


2.         Adopt the conditions and guidance documents as attached at Appendix B, including the amendment to the penalty point scheme guidance document required in respect of use of e-cigarettes or similar devices.


3.         Delegate to the Taxi Licensing Committee the authority to review and where necessary amend the said conditions and guidance documents.

Supporting documents: