Agenda item

Integrated Commissioning Scorecard

The board will receive the Integrated Commissioning Scorecard.


Craig McArdle (Director for Integrated Commissioning) introduced the Integrated Commissioning Scorecard; this was published alongside the main agenda.


The following key points were highlighted to Members:



the affect winter pressures had upon treatment times, delayed transfers in care and set targets;



that targets were being monitored differently therefore affecting results and skewing performance; it was confirmed that Plymouth’s performance was being monitored by NHS England and the LGA;



the responsibility for children’s services had transferred from Carole Burgoyne (Strategic Director for People) to Alison Botham (Director of Children’s Services); the backlog of children’s assessments that had previously extended beyond 45 days had all been assessed and were now on target.


Agreed that –


1.    Members note the Integrated Commissioning Scorecard;


2.    the Health & Wellbeing Board thank all those involved in helping to meet the 45 day assessment target for children.

Supporting documents: