Agenda item

Good news stories


Carole Burgoyne (Strategic Director for People) advised the Board of two ‘good news stories’:


1.    The recent snowy weather had highlighted the collaborative working and community spirit in relation to the response to keeping the urgent care system running. Hospital staff, Devon and Cornwall Police Officers, Plymouth City Council Officers, colleagues within the voluntary and community sector and local 4x4 drivers, all came together to support each other in ensuring urgent care was provided in the city.


2.    Plymouth City Council won the Best Local Authority Arts Initiative with the I.AM.NOT.A.ROBOT artwork and social marketing campaign which set out to encourage more people becoming foster carers.


Under this item, Chief Superintendent Dave Thorne also highlighted a good news story:


1.    A Panel had recently met to consider acts of bravery; the awards were due to be publicised highlighting the incredible acts of bravery and kindness towards the city’s most vulnerable people.


Members were advised to contact Democratic Support if they wanted to include their own good news stories on the next Health & Wellbeing Board agenda.