Agenda item
Integrated Care System Development
Sonja Manton (CCG) presented the Integrated Care System Development to the Board.
The following key points were highlighted to Members:
(a) the two-year STP report which has been recently published, providing the opportunity to reflect on the progress across Devon, Plymouth and Torbay over the past two years against our shared ambition;
(b) updated the board on recent national developments in relation to Integrated Care Systems and local work on developing a strategy for our system;
(c) invited members to consider how they can be involved in the system development and design work over the Autumn in relation to the emerging ICS in Devon.
The Health and Wellbeing Board noted the update.
Supporting documents:
- Integrated Care System Development cover sheet, item 58. PDF 427 KB
- Integrated Care System Development, item 58. PDF 196 KB