Agenda item

Revenue And Capital Budget And Proposed Council Tax Levels For 2019/20


At the start of the debate Councillor Evans (Leader) proposed, Councillor Bowyer seconded and Council agreed that in accordance with Part B, Council Procedure Rule 14.6 of the Constitution, Rule of Debate 4.2 (in Appendix one) (which limits speeches to five minutes) is suspended for this item in relation to the speeches by the Leader and the Leader of the Opposition.


For the motion (52) –

Cllr Aspinall, Cllr Haydon, Cllr Coker,  Cllr Dann, Cllr Evans, Cllr Hendy, Cllr Lowry, Cllr McDonald, Cllr Morris, Cllr Murphy, Cllr Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Cllr Penberthy, Cllr Rennie , Cllr Singh, Cllr Pete Smith, Cllr Stevens, Cllr J Taylor, Cllr K Taylor, Cllr Tuffin, Cllr Tuohy, Cllr Ball, Cllr Mrs Beer, Cllr Bowyer, Cllr Mrs Bowyer, Cllr Darcy, Cllr Deacon, Cllr Downie, Cllr Drean, Cllr Fletcher, Cllr Foster, Cllr Mrs Johnson, Cllr James, Cllr Jordan, Cllr Kelly, Cllr Goslin, Cllr Michael Leaves, Cllr Mrs Leaves, Cllr Dr Mahony, Cllr Mrs Pengelly, Cllr Corvid, Cllr Wigens, Cllr Mrs Bridgeman, Cllr Buchan, Cllr Derrick, Cllr Neil, Cllr Mavin, Cllr Carson, Cllr Winter, Cllr Mrs Loveridge, Cllr Cook, Cllr Rebecca Smith, Cllr Laing


Absent / did not vote (0)


Councillor Evans (Leader) proposed and Councillor Lowry seconded an amended report and recommendations to item six, the Revenue and Capital Budget and Proposed Council Tax Levels for 2019/20.


The amendment proposed to:


Change Recommendation 1 from:


3.     To approve the proposed net revenue budget requirement for 2019/20 of £186.930m




1.     To approve the proposed net revenue budget requirement for 2019/20 of £185.482m, as a consequence of additional savings of £1.448m arising from debt rescheduling.



To change Recommendation 2 from:


2.     To consider council tax levels for 2019/20




2.     To approve an increase to the council tax levels for Plymouth City Council in 2019/20 by two point nine nine percent (2.99%), and agree the Council Tax Resolution as set out in the amended Appendix 2 attached.



Following a debate, Councillor Bowyer proposed an amendment to agenda item six:

1.     To approve the proposed net revenue budget requirement for 2019/20 of £185,482m as a consequence of additional savings of £1,448m arising from debt rescheduling and to convene a meeting of the Independent Review Panel to Review the members special responsibility allowances with a view to reduce the allowances.


Following a brief adjournment Councillor Darcy seconded the amendment and Councillor Evans (Leader) moved to go to the vote          on the amendment, seconded by Councillor Rennie.


For the move to vote on the amendment (29)


Cllr Aspinall, Cllr Haydon, Cllr Coker, Cllr Dann, Cllr Evans, Cllr Hendy, Cllr Lowry, Cllr McDonald , Cllr Morris, Cllr Murphy, Cllr Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Cllr Penberthy, Cllr Rennie, ) Cllr Singh, ) Cllr Pete Smith, Cllr Stevens, Cllr J Taylor, Cllr K Taylor, Cllr Tuffin, Cllr Tuohy, Cllr Wheeler, Cllr Goslin, Cllr Corvid, Cllr Buchan, Cllr Derrick, Cllr Neil, Cllr Winter, Cllr Laing


Against (24)


Cllr Ball, Cllr Mrs Beer, Cllr Bowyer, Cllr Mrs Bowyer, Cllr Darcy, Cllr Deacon, Cllr Downie, Cllr Drean, Cllr Fletcher, Cllr Foster, Cllr Mrs Johnson, Cllr James, Cllr Jordan, Cllr Kelly, Cllr Michael Leaves, Cllr Mrs Leaves, Cllr Dr Mahony, Cllr Mrs Pengelly,  Cllr Wigens, Cllr Mrs Bridgeman, Cllr Carson, Cllr Mrs Loveridge, Cllr Cook, Cllr Rebecca Smith


Absent / did not vote (0)


The vote on the amendment was then taken


For (53)


Cllr Aspinall, Cllr Haydon, Cllr Coker, Cllr Dann, Cllr Evans, Cllr Hendy, Cllr Lowry, Cllr McDonald, Cllr Morris, Cllr Murphy, Cllr Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Cllr Penberthy, Cllr Rennie, Cllr Singh, Cllr Smith, Cllr Stevens, Cllr J Taylor, Cllr K Taylor, Cllr Tuffin, Cllr Tuohy, Cllr Wheeler, Cllr Ball, Cllr Mrs Beer, Cllr Bowyer, Cllr Mrs Bowyer, Cllr Darcy, Cllr Deacon, Cllr Downie, Cllr Drean, Cllr Fletcher, Cllr Foster, Cllr Mrs Johnson, Cllr James, Cllr Jordan, Cllr Kelly, Cllr Goslin, Cllr Michael Leaves, Cllr Mrs Leaves, Cllr Dr Mahony, Cllr Nicholson, Cllr Mrs Pengelly, Cllr Corvid, Cllr Wigens, Cllr Mrs Bridgeman, Cllr Buchan, Cllr Derrick, Cllr Neil, Cllr Mavin, Cllr Carson, Cllr Winter, Cllr Mrs Loveridge, Cllr Cook, Cllr Rebecca Smith, Cllr Laing


Against (0)


Absent / did not vote (0)


The amendment was passed


The discussion on the substantive motion as amended then continued and after a short debate, Councillor Penberthy moved an amendment, seconded by Councillor Taylor to:


Change Recommendation 3 from:


4.     To approve the total capital budget of £870.007m to 2022/23 (Appendix 3)




3.     To approve the total capital budget of £870.007m to 2022/23 (Appendix 3) and, within this budget, create a £10m Housing Investment Fund funded by £8m Right to Buy capital receipts and £2m from Section106 monies.


Following a brief debate a vote was taken on the amendment


For (51)


Cllr Aspinall, Cllr Haydon, Cllr Coker, Cllr Dann, Cllr Evans, Cllr Hendy, Cllr Lowry, Cllr McDonald, Cllr Morris, Cllr Murphy, Cllr Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Cllr Penberthy, Cllr Rennie, Cllr Singh, Cllr Pete Smith, Cllr Stevens, Cllr J Taylor, Cllr Tuffin, Cllr Wheeler, Cllr Ball, Cllr Mrs Beer, Cllr Mrs Bowyer, Cllr Darcy, Cllr Downie, Cllr Drean, Cllr Fletcher, Cllr Foster, Cllr Mrs Johnson, Cllr James, Cllr Jordan, Cllr Kelly, Cllr Goslin, Cllr Michael Leaves, Cllr Mrs Leaves, Cllr Dr Mahony, Cllr Nicholson, Cllr Mrs Pengelly, Cllr Corvid, Cllr Wigens, Cllr Mrs Bridgeman, Cllr Buchan, Cllr Derrick, Cllr Neil, Cllr Mavin, Cllr Carson, Cllr Winter, Cllr Mrs Loveridge, Cllr Cook, Cllr Rebecca Smith, Cllr Laing


Against (0)


Absent / did not vote (0)


The amendment was passed.


Following a debate on the substantive budget Council agreed –


1.              To approve the proposed net revenue budget requirement for 2019/20 of £185.482m, as a consequence of additional savings of £1.448m arising from debt rescheduling and to convene a meeting of the Independent Review Panel to Review the members special responsibility allowances with a view to reduce the allowances;

2.              To approve an increase to the council tax levels for Plymouth City Council in 2019/20 by two point nine nine percent (2.99%), and agree the Council Tax Resolution as set out in the amended Appendix 2 attached;

3.              To approve the total capital budget of £870.007m to 2022/23 (Appendix 3) and, within this budget, create a £10m Housing Investment Fund funded by £8m Right to Buy capital receipts and £2m from Section106 monies;

4.              To note that the Office of the Devon and Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Police Commissioner precepts to the Council in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 for each category of dwellings in the Council’s area, will be confirmed at the meeting;

5.              To note that the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Authority precepts will be confirmed for 2019/20 at the meeting;

6.              To note the Section 151 Officer’s statement on the Budget Robustness Statement as set out in section 2 of this report;

7.              To approve the annual Treasury Management Strategy and Capital Strategy 2019/20 (incorporating the authorised limits, operational boundaries and prudential indicators) as submitted (Appendix 5);

8.              To note the Revenue and Capital Monitoring Report Quarter Three 2018/19 (Appendix 6);

9.              To note the response to the recommendations made by the Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Place and Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Appendix 7);

10.           To delegate responsibility for any technical accounting changes which may arise after the budget to the Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Leader and Portfolio Holder for Finance and IT.   



For (27)



Cllr Aspinall, Cllr Haydon, Cllr Coker, Cllr Dann, Cllr Evans, Cllr Hendy, Cllr Lowry, Cllr McDonald, Cllr Morris, Cllr Murphy, Cllr Parker-Delaz-Ajete, Cllr Penberthy, Cllr Rennie, Cllr Singh, Cllr Pete Smith, Cllr Stevens, Cllr J Taylor, Cllr K Taylor, Cllr Tuffin, Cllr Wheeler, Cllr Goslin, Cllr Corvid, Cllr Buchan, Cllr Derrick, Cllr Neil, Cllr Mavin, Cllr Winter, Cllr Laing



Against (24)



Cllr Ball, Cllr Mrs Beer, Cllr Bowyer, Cllr Mrs Bowyer, Cllr Darcy, Cllr Downie, Cllr Drean, Cllr Fletcher, Cllr Foster, Cllr Mrs Johnson, Cllr James, Cllr Jordan, Cllr Kelly, Cllr Michael Leaves, Cllr Mrs Leaves, Cllr Dr Mahony, Cllr Nicholson, Cllr Mrs Pengelly, Cllr Wigens, Cllr Mrs Bridgeman, Cllr Carson, Cllr Mrs Loveridge, Cllr Cook, Cllr Rebecca Smith


Supporting documents: