Agenda item

STP Update


Carole Burgoyne MBE (Strategic Director for People) was present for this item and referred to the report contained within the agenda.


In response to questions raised, it was reported that -




at an operational level locally they work very closely with the fire service but were unaware of the fire authority’s involvement at an STP level.  Carole Burgoyne and Ann James would feed this back to the STP Board;





three health and wellbeing hubs had already opened with a further two opening over the next couple of months.  It was reported that fantastic work and case studies were coming out from the hubs;




there was a real appetite for the fire authority to work more closely with the police.  This had resulted in a project which included a PSCO teaming up with a fire officer undertaking community visits to start addressing joint risks;




the Chair reported that he had met with the Chairs of the Devon and Torbay Health and Wellbeing Boards to look at shared issues.


Agreed that the Health and Wellbeing Board to receive a report summarising the work of the Health and Wellbeing Hub’s first 12 months including case studies.

Supporting documents: