Agenda item

Aspiring Integrated Care System - Population Health Management


Ruth Harrell (Director of Public Health) provided a verbal update to the Board, it was highlighted that -




this was a programme led by NHS England around helping the STP in their preparations in becoming an integrated care system;




there were three work streams; finance, governance and population health management and they were currently focussing on population health management;




population health management aims to understand the health needs across different segments of the population.  Their  ambition was to look at the person as a whole and to align with the triple aims of improving the patient experience, improving health outcomes and ensuring that the system was cost effective;




as part of the ambition was to look at the data flows across the city and across all partners focusing on health and wellbeing. This would allow us to understand and predict the needs at a patient level enabling us to intervene earlier.  For example, identify people that were ‘pre-frail’ and putting interventions in place at a lower level before becoming acute.


In response to questions raised, it was reported that Public Health would be meeting with Plymouth Community Homes (PCH) to undertake collaborative work around identifying people that were ‘pre-frail’ as part of the population health management.


Agreed that the Health and Wellbeing Board at a future meeting receive a progress report on Population Health Management.