Agenda item


(a)        To receive announcements from the Lord Mayor, Chief Executive, Service Director for Finance or Head of Legal Services;


(b)        To receive announcements from the Leader, Cabinet Members or Committee Chairs.


10.          Announcements 


The Lord Mayor made the following announcements:


·        Congratulations were offered to the seven Plymothians who were announced in the Queen’s birthday honours;

·        The Oceansgate project has won a prestigious South West region award for regeneration from the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. The project will now be put forward to the national finals in November;

·        The Council won the Client of the Year Award and the Image of Construction Award for Building Plymouth at the South West Built Environment Awards;

·        The Royal Town Planning Institute’s Silver Jubilee Cup was awarded to the City Planning Team for the City Change Fund initiative. This is the highest accolade in the planning profession and the third time that the Council has won this award;

·        The efforts of Pete Curgenven, School Crossing Patroller and Manadon Vale Primary who put himself at risk to protect children crossing the road were commended.


The Leader of the Council, Tudor Evans OBE made the following announcements:


·        An update was provided on Barden with the securing of 400 jobs, following the purchase by HQW who have a vision to significantly grow the business in Plymouth;

·        The Barcode development at Bretonside is now 70 per cent let with many new restaurants and leisure opportunities. The planning application for Old Town Street has been submitted and this is important in linking the Bretonside Development to the City Centre. This is a £10m public realm investment;

·        A bid has been made to the Government’s High Street Fund of £25m to support the development of Colin Campbell Court and the Dingles building;

·        The £50m scheme at Derry’s is on track to have a 110 bedroom city centre hotel;

·        The Plymouth Railway Station project continues and a new concourse design will be completed shortly. The University will repurpose Intercity House to a new Medical and Dental School;

·        Prestigious events such as the Fastnet Race have been secured for the city and should be maximised;

·        Smart Sound has been launched – a proving area for the design, testing and development of cutting edge products and services for the marine sector; and

·        Consultants have been engaged on a new plan for live music in the City in conjunction with the Music Venue Trust – ‘Fighback Plymouth’ will celebrate Plymouth’s grassroots music venues.


The Deputy Leader, Councillor Smith made the following announcements:


·        All Councillors have received a briefing relating to student registration at the elections held in May 2019. In summary, clarification has been received from the Electoral Commission which highlighted a procedural error which has now been corrected. It was confirmed that no individual that was ineligible to vote was able to do so.

·        Work starts on the Elizabethan House to restore this historic building in Plymouth. The current work will see the building fully restored and repaired over 12 months to be reopened in 2020 as part of the Mayflower celebrations;

·        Plymouth City Council has secured £605,000 from the Department for Education to coordinate a city wide holiday activity and food programme for summer 2019;

·        A reminder that it is Armed Forces day this coming Saturday and all are encouraged to attend.


Councillor Jon Taylor, Cabinet Member for Education, Transformation and Skills gave the following announcement:


·        Plymouth is a STEM city but still needs more engineers, mathematicians and scientists to meet demand. A new annual competition for schools is therefore being launched along with a programme of key events to encourage young people into STEM subjects.


Councillor Haydon, Cabinet Member for Customer Focus and Community Safety made the following announcements:


·        The Purple Flag status has been awarded to Plymouth – this deems it to be a safe, diverse and vibrant city to visit in the evening and night time. Partnership working in the city was especially commended.

·        Cabinet gave its full support at the meeting in June to make Plymouth a Trauma informed city, recognising how childhood trauma can impact on people later in life. This new approach marks the city’s commitment to treat those who have suffered trauma with compassion and to help them to heal.


Councillor Penberthy, Cabinet member for Housing and Cooperative Development gave the following announcements:


·        Plymouth has been recognised as a world leader in its work with residents to create solutions to improve lives and communities. The ground breaking approach to crowdfunding and the city change fund has made us one of just ten cities to reach the finals of the cities of service engaged cities award;

·        The recent refugees week which was very successful; Plymouth has now achieved ‘city of sanctuary status’ and all those involved were thanked for their support.


Councillor Dann, Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene gave the following announcements:


·        Plymouth has achieved Plastic Free Community Status, confirmed by Surfers Against Sewage;

·        The National Marine Park continues to progress with ongoing engagement with stakeholders and individuals, A feasibility study will report back in October:

·        The Future Parks Accelerator Fund has secured £622k of funding to radically look at how we manage our parks and green spaces going forward;

·        An update on the climate emergency declared in March 2019, including establishing emergency climate change workshops.