Agenda item

Tackling Physical inactivity in Plymouth - update


Sarah Ogilvie (Consultant in Public Health) provided a report and it was highlighted that 23.3 percent of the population of Plymouth undertake less than 30 minutes of physical activity per week and around 36% of children and young and people undertake less than 30 minutes of exercise a day.  Those living in the more deprived areas were more inactive and most Plymouth residents do want to be more active.  Plymouth was in a good place to undertake a whole system approach to physical inactivity and they were working closely with Sport England, Active Devon and the community and voluntary sector to promote physical activity in the city.


The following comments were made in response to the report -




that there was an opportunity for this board to get behind the park runs held within the city and to actively promote this;




to have a bigger presence within GP surgeries on the importance of being physically active and for the primary care networks to start having this conversation.


The Board to note the report.

Supporting documents: