Agenda item

NHS Long Term Plan


Paul O’Sullivan (NEW Devon CCG) was present for this item and provided a presentation to the Board and invites the Board to assist with the development of the local response to the long-term plan.


The following comments were made -




the need to continue to focus on prevention and mental health.  In Plymouth are doing a lot of things right and really important to get the right outcomes for Plymouth and for this plan not to take us off course;




welcome the broader engagement and how this would feed down to the grass roots and communities.  The three Healthwatch’s across Devon whilst operating individually also work together in a strategic alliance to address the Devon wide issues;



taking health and care at it broadest level gives us a real opportunity to think significant growth and emphasis in all areas that determine health and wellbeing.  There are two opportunities around supporting people and to look at economic growth in jobs that are sustainable.  Locally making sure our population can access services locally that they currently have to travel away for and as well as careful attention to the language we use locally;




that locally too many adults and children were waiting to see a dentist which has an impact on future health;




the Integrated Care System (ICS) model within the long term plan talks about primary care network being a fundamental building block of that system and this was to be welcomed; 




be more innovative around the health students and looking at other opportunities on how we provide care;




the need to put children at the centre of this plan was fundamental.  It was highlighted that there was additional funding at the STP for prevention.  This Board needs to have visibility of this funding and how it’s used to meet local priorities.


The Board approved the local plans in respect of the NHS Long Term Plan.

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