Agenda item

Questions by Councillors

Questions to the Leader, Cabinet Members and Committee Chairs covering aspects for their areas of responsibility or concern by councillors in accordance with Part B, paragraph 12 of the constitution.









Councillor Ian Bowyer

Councillor Evans OBE

A request for Union Jack flags to be flown on Plymouth City Council buildings on 31 January 2020 (Brexit date)

Response: The procedure for flying flags on Plymouth City Council buildings on 31 January 2020 to mark the United Kingdom leaving the European Union would be checked; instructions were normally received from Government with regards to flying flags on Council buildings for specific occasions.


Councillor Jon Taylor

Councillor Dann

Green Minds Project

Response: Plymouth was the only UK applicant to be successful in being accepted on the Green Minds Project; the council would be working in partnership with the University, the College of Art and the National Trust in order to enhance the many strands of work across the city linked to community stewardship.


Councillor Nicholson

Councillor Coker

Road congestion due to utility companies working on the highway

Response: Utility companies had an automatic right to work on the road network; recent traffic congestion on Tavistock Road was caused by a mains gas leak as well as a sewer leak. A consultation regarding a permit scheme, enabling the Council to control more vigorously the amount of roadworks was currently underway.


Councillor Mrs Johnson

Councillor Dann

Garden Waste – sign-up

Response: Approximately 22,190 local residents had signed up for the garden waste collections; this was welcomed as major campaigning to advertise the need to sign up had not yet started.


Councillor Lynda Bowyer

Councillor Kate Taylor

Coronavirus update

Response: A full update on the Coronavirus would be provided at the next scheduled meeting of Health and Adult Social Care Overview and Scrutiny on Wednesday 29 January 2020.


Councillor Mrs Aspinall

Councillor Pete Smith

Battle of Britain celebrations

Response: A service in St Andrew’s Church was currently being arranged to celebrate the Battle of Britain Anniversary in 2020; staff working in the Lord Mayor’s Parlour were involved in the coordination of the event and could be contacted to ensure local squadrons were engaged in the planning.


Councillor Kelly

Councillor Dann

Plans to improve access issues to the Nancy Astor statue and aesthetics on the Hoe now and in preparation for Mayflower 400 celebrations. 

Response: There was an expectation that the Mayflower 400 celebrations would attract several visitors to Plymouth, specifically the Hoe. A maintenance schedule was being discussed at readiness groups – it was acknowledged that due to bad weather, grassed areas were very muddy. It was not known if there were plans to improve access issues to the Nancy Astor statue.


Councillor Jordan

Councillor Haydon

Hackney Carriage Licence plates – high rate of returns

Response: Councillor Haydon welcomed meeting with Councillor Jordan and a Council Officer to discuss why several Hackney Carriage licence plates had been handed back to the Council.


Councillor Rennie

Councillor Haydon

Martin’s Law

Response: The Council would work closely with Manchester Council with regards to the introduction of Martin’s Law (a law designed to make secure venues more secure) in terms of licensing policy.


Councillor Drean

Councillor Dann

Rubbish on the A38

Response: Work to clear up rubbish littered on the A38 was scheduled to take place with the Highways Agency in February/ March 2020.


Councillor Rebecca Smith

Councillor Pete Smith

Play equipment consultation

Response: Councillor Pete Smith would take on board comments regarding the earlier consultation with ward Councillors regarding plans for play equipment remodelling – it was confirmed that ward Councillors currently received emails informing them of future plans however these were final plans.


Councillor  Mrs Pengelly

Councillor Dann

Plan for Trees and Community Fund

Response: Councillor Dann welcomed Councillor Mrs Pengelly’s idea of all Councillors donating £100 from their community grant scheme fund and pledging to plant 100 trees in their ward however confirmed that this should be done via the Plan for Trees to ensure coordination and that threes were planted where they were best suited.


Councillor  Mrs Bridgeman

Councillor Coker

Update on effect to road network – The George Park and Ride to Tesco (Woolwell)

Response: Councillor Coker agreed to provide regular updates when available regarding the George Park and Ride to Tesco (Woolwell) planning application for housing, specifically regarding the effect on the road network.


Councillor  Carson

Councillor Dann


Sewer spill

Response: It was South West Water’s responsibility to clear up the sewage spill in Central Park – tests had been carried out as well as camera surveys to assess the full length of the pipe to be fixed.



Councillor Laing


Councillor J Taylor

Progress on the Education system


Response: Ofsted acknowledged the determination to improve outcomes for children in Plymouth schools and progress was recognised by the Regional Director. The scale of the work ahead was not to be underestimated however officers had met with Ofsted Leads and the Plymouth Education Board was becoming more established.



Councillor Darcy

Councillor Evans OBE


Local resident correspondence with the Leader

Response: Councillor Evans OBE requested that Councillor Darcy forward him the correspondence he had received from a local Plympton resident regarding council tax (from March 2019) and that a response would be sent the following day.



Councillor Ms Watkin

Councillor Lowry


Jennycliff Beach funding

Response: The complexity of the engineering behind remedial works for Jennycliff Beach was responsible for the delays; further surveys were required. It was expected that the fix could cost a substantial amount of money; members of the public were advised to stay off the beach.



Councillor I Bowyer

Councillor P Smith


Ward Councillor votes – Plan for Libraries

Response: Councillor Pete Smith highlighted that a brand new library had been opened in St Budeaux and it was considered first class.



Councillor Kelly

Councillor Coker


Spray paint marking to new paving slabs

Response: The new paving slabs installed near Charles Cross roundabout had spray paint markings on them from utility companies; they would eventually wear away. 


Supplementary question from Councillor Nicholson regarding replacing like for like materials:

When repairs were undertaken on the road network there was a condition that utility companies should use similar materials; Councillor Coker offered to meet with Councillor Nicholson and officers to assess remedial works to Charles Cross roundabout.



Councillor Drean

Councillor Coker


Permit scheme for highways - date

Response: The permit scheme for highways was currently out for final consultation with statutory authorities – the consultation was due to end in March 2020 with the scheme expected to be introduced in April/ May 2020.



Councillor Stevens

Councillor Evans OBE


Good practice for dealing with queries from local residents

Response: Councillor Evans OBE did not comment on the question. 







Please note that questions, answers, supplementary questions and supplementary answers have been summarised.