Agenda item

Long Term Plan (LTP) for Devon


Anna Coles (Director of Integrated Commissioning) and Ross Jago (Public Affairs Manager, NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group) were present for this item and referred to the report in the agenda.  It was highlighted that the plan was building on the work already undertaken across the health and wellbeing system and that it was important for each local system to have a plan in place and to continue to have meaningful engagement with residents.


In response to questions raised, it was reported that:




the Impacts of Poor Housing on Health which went to the previous meeting, work was on-going.  They were focussing in particular around the issues that were harder to influence such as privately rented homes and home owners that were struggling to keep up with improvements.  A progress update report would to be provided to the Board;




with regard to digital connectivity and digital health it was reported that the SWITCH commission announced today partnered by the University of Plymouth to bring digital to front line users, such as  robotics in care homes for people with dementia and the use of Alexa’s to provide health information.


The Board agreed:


1.      To note the progress to date and the proposed process, timescales, materials and levels of engagement for the development of Devon’s Long-Term Plan and endorses the robustness of the process;


2.        To develop a joint working arrangement with Devon and Torbay HWB to agree a common set of Health and Wellbeing priorities; and review of the implementation of the Long-Term Plan, insofar as it relates to the Devon STP geography in aggregate.





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