Agenda item

Plymouth Report 2018/19


Ruth Harell (Director of Public Health) was present for this item and referred to the report in the agenda.  It was highlighted that the Plymouth Report provides a snapshot in time and highlights the challenges across the city.  It was also reported that -




the life expectancy challenges and the gap in life expectancy across the city were poorer for the Plymouth population.  Nationally over the last couple of years had seen life expectancy plateaued, however for women living in more deprived areas this figure had fallen and it was expected that Plymouth would follow that trend;




they were also seeing a significant increase in infant mortality.  This was concerning but it was too early to see whether this was a trend;





they were looking at causes which may affect life expectancy and infant mortality such as such bad flu years and the increase in cardio vascular disease, also austerity and public sector cuts had made it more difficult to ascertain the true causes;


In response to questions raised it was reported that:




the Plymouth Report would be refreshed every two years and officers were following the data and concentrating on the areas of concern.  The Health and Wellbeing Board signs off the Plymouth Report and the report was shared with various different partnerships as well as being publicly available on the website;




with regard to multiple deprivation, low education and correlation to low health outcomes and poverty.  It was reported that work was being undertaken around ensuring that there were job opportunities for those children in our more derived areas as well as promoting school readiness and attainment, however, they were not doing enough in partnership to address this.  The strengthening of our communities was of prime importance and it was suggested that a workshop to bring partners together to discuss this;


The Board agreed to:


1.         Note the content of the Plymouth Report.


2.         Use the Plymouth Report to inform business activities.


3.         Acknowledge the key issues and challenges facing the city highlighted in the report and commit to work in partnership and integration to address them.


It was also agreed that:


4.         A workshop to address the areas of multiple deprivation within the city to be organised.


5.         The weblink to Plymouth Report would be circulated to the Board when completed.

Supporting documents: