Agenda item

Adult Social Care - Future Direction Presentation


Councillor Kate Taylor (Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care), Craig McArdle (Interim Strategic Director for People), Anna Coles (Director for Integrated Commissioning), Gary Walbridge (Head of Adult Social Care and Retained Functions) were present for this item and referred to the presentation attached.



In response to questions raised, it was reported that -




there were a range of services within the system that were not necessarily joined together in a cohesive way.  They were looking at providing a consistent offer to ensure timely access to services, however, they still had some improvements to make around joining services together to improve pathways and manage the demand;




the work they were undertaking would address managing demand in particular looking at the services for people living more complex lives and how services would be provided in a more appropriate way;




the workforce relates to the social care workforce and it was reported that they were reviewing the operating model and have found that there was a high dependency on highly professional staff providing information and advice.  As part of the review they were looking at the access to advice out in the communities and this would then reduce the interfaces with the highly professional staff.  They were also looking at ways of building a more resilient workforce and how they promoting career opportunities within the social and healthcare landscape;




from the outcomes adult social care were performing well over and there had been big improvements on hospital discharges, they have expanded extra care which was about the right care, right time and right place and were opening disability schemes this years, however they do need to do better for the vulnerable adults in the city;




the quality care team were now focussing on the domiciliary care work, working with the providers, workshops to ensure they were inspection ready and want to improve the quality standard;




there was a requirement by law for providers to pay their staff the national living wage;




some of the challenges with care and keeping people in their own homes and how they acquire services right for them as well as respecting confidentiality and how family members are supported.  Real peoples experiences help them to understand how improvements can be made to services;




the workforce agenda was a conversation taking place across the STP and they were engaged in a number of initiatives such as Proud to Care and giving more recognition for choosing a role in care sector.  It was also not just about money but other values a person would find in the role, they were also looking at career paths and what motivates people to return to care and having the right mechanisms in place to catch them, more flexible arrangements for a more sustainable workforce;




as part of the assessment in the home it was a requirement to identify children in the home and this was taken into consideration when planning support and to not overly burden the child.


The Committee to note the future direction of Adult Social Care.