Agenda item
Revenue Monitor 2019/20 - Month 2
Councillor Lowry (Cabinet Member for Finance) and Andrew Hardingham (Service Director for Finance) were present for this item and referred to the report in the agenda.
Councillor Lowry highlighted that officers were working hard to address the current overspend of £3.958m against a revenue budget of £185m. During this period also received a reduction in Government funding and were required to make savings of £11m. There continued to be pressures within the Children’s Services and were lobbying Government as were a number of other local authorities on the increase of children in care. They were working towards having a sustainable council over the next 3 years.
The Chair reported that at the last meeting had agreed that this Committee would provide more challenge around the budget and would be presented with more detail on the areas of spending pressures and revenue generation. This would enable this Committee to provide suggestions and improvements so that we could add real value.
Councillor Lowry responded that he recalled an action from the meeting was for this Committee to receive additional budget savings plan which he had agreed to be forwarded to the Committee. This clearly has not been actioned but was happy for this to be provided. It was suggested that if the Committee has a particular line of enquiry to explore and would happy to provide that information.
In response to questions raised, it was reported that –
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the pressures within Children’s Services was a national problem and finances would become unquestionable which would result in cuts to public services to address this. The Leader and Chief Executive recently met with the Minister regarding the scale of the problems in Plymouth;
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following the meeting with the Minster they were asked to help create appropriate scheme similar to the BELWIN Scheme. BELWIN was an insurance type scheme to help local authorities primarily hit with a natural disaster that couldn’t predict and Government would step in and assist financially. Officers have been tasked to look at a similar scheme with regard to the excessive costs in relation to the care packages outside of the norm then we could go to the Government with the evidence for extra financial support;
c. |
over the last month extensive amount of work undertaken around the budget and have looked at every service on how we can be more efficient and hoped that over the next two weeks would have a definitive list that would improve the current position, drive out costs and maintain reserves and balances to an adequate and sustainable level;
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we share children’s functions with Torbay and at the last Cabinet meeting, Councillor Laing (Cabinet Member for Children and Young People) reported on the reconfiguration on Children’s Services to drive out costs at both Plymouth and Torbay;
e. |
it was further reported that information requested should be made available to Councillors, however, it would be down to the Councillor requesting the information to chase this with the relevant Cabinet Member;
f. |
following the meeting with the Ministers that there was a sense that Government recognised that there were issues around the growing pressures around children in care but were unsure on how to solve it. It was further reported that there would be a comprehensive spending review before the summer and whether children services would get resolved as part of this review;
g. |
it was unclear what grants would be received from Government and as a result were make a number of assumptions when looking at the budget for next year;
h. |
there were unexpected costs for the clean-up of Mount Batten Beach., however, we do have contingencies for unexpected events but ultimately this would put pressure if something else happened;
i. |
they have to balance the books and would like to give assurances that they do not go below the working balance of 5% but cannot promise what was beyond their control. They were looking to replace the deficit over the next three years. They wanted to assure the Committee that they were working hard to balance the books.
The Committee noted the Revenue Monitoring 2019/20 – Month 2 position and agreed that the Committee receive at the next meeting a more detailed explanation on the revenue streams and biggest areas of concerns for the Committee to further explore.
Supporting documents:
- Revenue Monitor 2019-20 – Month 2 - Committee Report, item 65. PDF 128 KB
- Month 2 CMT finance monitoring post CMT 260619 v4, item 65. PDF 319 KB