Agenda item

Police and Crime Commissioners Performance Report

To receive an overview of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s assessment of current performance against the strategic indicators for the Police and Crime Plan 2017-2020.



Alison Hernandez, Police and Crime and Commissioner, introduced the report -


(a)      The report provided an overview for the Police and Crime Panel of the OPCC’s assessment of current performance against the strategic indicators for the Police and Crime Plan 2017- 2020 ‘Safe, resilient and connected communities’.


(b)     The current reporting arrangements in place for the Police and Crime Panel were based on the strategic indicators set out in the PCC’s Police and Crime Plan “Safe, Resilient and Connected Communities”. A narrative commentary was included below for each of the measures. The purpose of this is to provide narrative to support the infographic and the necessary interpretation required to explain the OPCC’s judgement.


(c)      The OPCC’s assessment of performance to-date against the headline strategic indicators for the performance year ended 31st July 2018 show most indicators at Green – ‘Content’. This is the latest data for all indicators that are available unless stated otherwise. The infographic for September 2019 is included at Annex 1.



September 2019 Panel

June 2019 Panel


















(d)  Four indicators had been graded as amber (requires additional scrutiny):


·        Public Confidence: % of the public who say the police are doing a good/excellent job;

·        Public Confidence: % of the public that have confidence in the police;

·        Repeat Victimisation: % of victims who are repeat victims of crime within a 12 month period;

·        101: non- emergency calls waiting longer than 10 minutes.




(a)  Repeat Victimisation In the 12 months to 31st July 2019 a quarter of victims (both people and organisations) of crime had also reported at least one offence in the previous 12 months. This figure of 25% was unchanged from the performance level reported to the June 2019 Panel meeting.


(b)  101 non-emergency calls and waiting times was the biggest challenge through summer period due to additional tourists. At the moment the PCC was to submitted summer policing bid to help the government understand challenges in Devon and Cornwall.


(c)  Informed members of the ‘Call the Cops’ TV programme which focused on local policing issues.


(d)  Had done something different with 101, when ring it you get an IVR (interactive voice recognition) which had helped the calls to get to the right places quicker;


The Panel discussed -


·        Cllr Derrick raised concerns about the misrepresentations provided to the public regarding the precept proposals;


·        what could be done to encourage the supermarket stores to step-up their security and take responsibility for what was happening locally;


·        what was being done regarding street drinking and drug taking, the Council was clearing up the debris but the Police haven’t tackled the problem;


·        the increases in domestic violence which had been increased by 5% and what was being done to tackle this;


·        Raised concerns about the consultations and the visibility of Police officers;


·        whether the Commissioner was satisfied with 8,000 emails not being answered through 101;


·        whether the Commissioner was confident recruiting to the current targets by 2020 and how much extra it was likely to cost to get to those targets;


·        Cllr Derrick requested that the narrative in the report was highlighted regarding the levels of domestic violence which was noted.


The Panel noted the Police and Crime Commissioners Performance Report -


Proposed: Councillor Toms

Seconded: Councillor Jarvis



Supporting documents: