Agenda item

Safeguarding Adults Board Verbal Update


Andy Bickley (Independent Chair, Safeguarding Adults Board) was present for this item and provided a verbal overview of the activities of the board.  It was reported that:




the Board was established under the Care Act and areas of work include embedding learning opportunities, commissioning of Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs), production of an annual report as well as working in partnership to review the effectiveness of local services to identify people being abused or at risk of being abused;




there was strong local partnership engagement and regional leadership supported by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) which had resulted in better links between the local, regional and national agenda;




they were looking at how the board interfaces with Safer Plymouth, Health and Wellbeing Board and the Trauma Informed Network to avoid duplication of work and to ensure vulnerable people were not lost within the system;




they undertook a sense check against other organisations and this was led by an independent chair which highlighted the need to have more crunchy conversations and to build on what had worked well;




Livewell SW and Healthwatch were supporting the board around enhancing the performance data on how to focus efforts by neighbourhoods.  The board were embarking on preventative activity and were starting to align with the Health and Wellbeing Hubs;




Healthwatch had provided support around engagement and participation and how this links with board’s communications strategy.    This resulted in the setting up of a twitter account and the use of other social media platforms;




work around SARs was time consuming but was important to understand the learning.  A regional library was in development to capture national learning, draw out clear themes to ascertain whether there were any similarities in how other areas had approached their reviews;




1600 staff were trained in various elements of adult safeguarding; 




the Creative Solutions Forum Board was led by practitioners have assessed around 100 cases undertaking active problem solving to create a highly effective ways to work differently in partnership;



next steps for the Board to review the performance and how to integrate with the health and wellbeing hubs to improvement engagement access and the relevance of safeguarding and harnessing services users.


The Panel raised that they would have liked to have seen a written report rather than receive a verbal update. 


The Board noted the Safeguarding Adults Board update and agreed that a written summary is provided and circulated to the Board.