Agenda item

Safer Plymouth Briefing Paper


Chief Superintendent Tamasine Mathews (Chair of the Safer Plymouth Board), Anna Moss and Jackie Kings (Plymouth City Council) were present for this item and referred to the agenda in the pack.  The attached presentation was shared with the board.

In response to questions raised, it was reported that:




there was  a challenge supporting the workforce with rolling out the trauma informed approach.  However, it was reported that training would be freely accessible to anyone but they could only currently train 30 people each month.  Since the roll out of the training they have had well over 600 applicants and were looking at other avenues to deliver this training;




the Livewell Training Academy might be able to help and support with rolling the trauma informed approach training.


The Board agreed:


1.         To bring greater clarity to the functions of the Safer Board and Safer Executive Group.

2.         To reduce the eleven current delivery priorities sub-groups of Safer Plymouth into the following thematic partnerships:

·         Safer Families

·         Safer Communities

·         Safer People

3.         That Safer Plymouth activity should significantly increase focus on effective communication and workforce development.  This was the overwhelming feedback from our consultation events and will be reflected in the refreshed communication plans and a workforce development plan.

Supporting documents: