Agenda item
Children and Young People's System
Alison Botham (Director of Children Services) was present for this item and referred to the report in the agenda pack. It was highlighted that:
they were in the process of agreeing the priorities for the coming year which included the new plan Bright Futures. They agree the priorities and ensure that they were right for children and young people in Plymouth;
the Children and Young People Partnership which includes key stakeholders, from this partnership operates a number of steering groups:
· Children with special educational needs · Maternity and early years · Plymouth Education Board · Safeguarding · Early Help
it was expected by the end of this month to have agreed the new Bright Futures and priorities and the Partnership itself would be refreshing the priorities going forward;
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most of the priorities would continue such as education and attainment; narrowing the disadvantaged gap and inclusion; early help and prevention; ensuring that the needs children with complex needs were met appropriately; children in care; sufficiency of appropriate placements and increasing capacity within the in-house fostering. |
In response to questions raised, it was reported that within the Council and across the partnership it was an area of strength in how they involve children and young people such as the Junior and Senior Listen and Care Council for care leavers. The safeguarding partnership have young safeguarders and the recent joint targeted area inspection which took place at the end of last year and the inspectors commented very positively across the partnership on the way in which we do engage children and young people.
The Board noted the Children and Young People’s system update and to add Bright Futures to the work programme.
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