Agenda item

Update from the Chief Executive on Reset/ Resurgam


Tracey Lee (Chief Executive) provided members with an update on Reset/Resurgam-


·       It had been 14 weeks since the start of emergency operations;

·       Thanked all staff and Councillors for their hard work during COVID-19;

·       There were two phases, the Response and Recovery phase and we were currently transitioning through the response phase which focused on restarting our services and beginning the Reset and Resurgam programmes;

·       The Reset programme would think through what it looks like in terms of long term implications and actions the Council would need to take.


Anthony Payne (Director for Place) highlighted the following key points -


·       Had been working with large number of businesses across the city.

·       Engaged with major employers. 

·       Distribution of £43m to 3500 business in 6 weeks and were in the top 10 local authorities in terms of amount of money we had handed out to businesses.

·       lobbied Government where gaps in support to industry in the city such as fishing and small/medium industry;

·       Focus on sector led approach working through existing partnerships;

·       Would use our own economic footprint to stimulate economy;

·       Resurgam board would be chaired by Leader and Councillor Lowry was also part of board.

·       City Centre renaissance was a dynamic plan to continue to support and reinvent the City Centre through the introduction of new diverse not retail uses thereby reducing retail footprint;

·       Would reposition our major flagship projects to drive recovery;


The Leader highlighted the following key points –


·       The Leader paid tribute to everyone working in Economic Development and Place for the hard work they are doing;

·       Plymouth has had lowest infection rate but in terms of our economy received the biggest hit and it was extremely important we get out of this quickly.

·       Plymouth City Council Capital Programme well developed would help to drive the growth;

·       The communities that been hit hardest by COVID -19 in terms of economy and earning potential were the ones that need help quickly;

·       It was an opportunity for Plymouth to press on with our environmental agenda and the decarbonisation of Plymouth and this would help with job creation.


Craig McArdle (Director for People) highlighted -


·       Continue to support care homes and had distributed nearly 500,000 pieces of PPE across the city;

·       Focussing our efforts on prevention was key;

·       Would continue to work with Age UK to develop step down provision out of hospital;

·       Working hard to develop an accommodation strategy so rough sleepers would be supported in not returning to the streets;

·       Work in partnerships with key agencies to ensure we continued to care for Plymouth;

·       Thanked Portfolio Holders, staff and partners for the work during these difficult times.


Alison Botham (Director of Children’s Services) highlighted the following key points -


·       The partnership and schools response had been remarkable;

·       Thanked foster carers for their hard work and support during these difficult times;

·       Priorities informed by the figures of 90% of children not at school;

·       Large part of our authority are in response mode now and it was important how we respond to meeting the educational needs of children;

·       CAMHS found new ways to support children and young people with a 24 hour phone line and response arrangements;

·       Police had responded well to aspects of hidden harm such as domestic abuse.


Andy Ralphs (Director for Customer and Corporate Services) highlighted the following the key points –


·       Plymouth City Council had been responding to Government gradual relaxation of lockdown rules meaning new health and safety measures required for our buildings were required;

·       The core principle of COVID-19 response was being able to keep staff, residents and visitors safe;

·       The Plymouth City Council website was a good place to get up to date guidance and info.


Cabinet noted the update.