Agenda item

Climate Emergency Action Plan and Corporate Carbon Reduction Action Plan Year 1: Progress Report


Councillor Dann (Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Scene), Councillor Coker (Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure) and Paul Barnard (Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure) provided a detailed review of both the commitments and actions of the Climate Emergency Action Plan and the Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan, 10 months into the first year of the plans. It should be recognised that these had been compromised by the impact of Covid-19 but progress had continued at pace.


Key areas of questioning from Members related to -



whether there was a plan to upgrade the play areas in the Plympton Erle Ward;




whether there was a plan for the installation of the local district charging points;




the measures that Plymouth could take, as a planning authority, to ensure that climate change was embedded within its planning policies;




clarification as to the membership of the various boards and forums such as the Plymouth Net Zero Executive;




the ability to be able to effectively measure the performance of both the plans and the need for baseline information to be able to achieve this;




the impact on the environment on the Council’s decision not  to collect garden waste during the pandemic (with residents having to dispose of their own garden waste);




whether the ‘All Electric Bus Town Scheme’ Government grant was still available for the replacement of Plymouth’s bus fleet with all electric buses;




clarification as to the payment method that would be implemented for the use of electricity by the ferry operators;




clarification as to who would be running the trial of the electric car club;




whether the comms programme would be used to impart information, provide ideas and tips or whether there would be more dialogue;




whether work would be undertaken to monitor the changes in the volume of domestic waste, given that working practices had changed during the pandemic (with more people working from home);




clarification as to how the funding from the Better Deal for Buses had been spent;




whether the Council was on track, or behind with the actions defined within each plan;




whether the ‘relevant’ climate comms (from the Green Champions) could be circulated to Councillors;




sought clarification as to how the ‘carbon footprint (environmental) implications’ was being developed and monitored (in order to assess the impact of the Council’s decisions on carbon reduction);




whether it would be feasible for the bus industry to replace their fleet with hydrogen buses (similar to the option being considered by the haulage industry);




whether there was any information regarding transport hierarchy and whether there was a timescale for this to return to normal;




clarification on the implications of the cessation of EU funding.


Paul Barnard (Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure) undertook to -



to circulate the membership of the various boards and forums to Committee Members;




to provide the original baseline information for both Plans, in order to be able to effectively measure performance.


Councillor Coker (Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure) undertook to seek information as to whether the ‘All Electric Bus Town Scheme’ Government grant was still available for the replacement of Plymouth’s bus fleet with all electric buses.


The Committee agreed to note -



the progress made in year one of the Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP);




the progress made in year one of the Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan (CCRP);




that additional activities and funding bids which do not form part of either of the CEAP/CCRP actions approved in December 2019, have been undertaken by the City Councils to support the Climate Emergency response.



Supporting documents: