Agenda item


To receive a presentation summarising the performance of the contract and facility for 2019/20 and its current status.


To receive a presentation from Mike Turner; MVV Managing Director summarising MVV’s business performance.


Mike Turner and Jane Ford introduced presentation summarising the

performance of the contract and facility for 2019/20 and its current status.

Highlighting Joint Committee update

- Exceeding expectations on targets

- Continued growth in school visits

- Successful open day and community litter pick

- Testing alternative Odour control

- Maintaining accreditation to new ISO standards

- High availability due to high maintenance regime delivered with 30 full time



Reference Performance Chart


Unplanned shutdowns – 4


Justified Complaints – 2


- Optimisation of the combustion control system further developed to reduce

grate bar wear

- Economiser 3 replaced 25 year expectancy.

- Smoke generator introduced for plant containment/breach detection

- IBA now processed locally in Exeter reducing carbon impact

- Working with partners – Continuing to work together with schools to

communicate messages.


Working with officers from all three councils to ensure waste minimisation

methods are consistent and of the highest quality with agreed program in

place and support from Education Officers. Continuing to work with schools.

Devon districts changing collections and communicating messages, 20 new





Re –sponsored Stanary Bass Band – Providing bursary to allow funds for



South Dartmoor Riding for the disabled near Ivy bridge


Clean our patch Community Litter Pick Group– litter picking and support


Kingsbridge Centre group – Supporting Mental Health


Community groups gone down Prioritising school groups –


Community lighting scheme - blue lights to show support for NHS, clap for

careers and NHS anniversary


Torbay and Devon school visits increasing - council providing funding for

schools to come visit


Introduced a consistent style to advertising materials, to increase engagement

this is reflected in increasing numbers supporting events


Overview of MVV in UK preforming on plan, working through the difficult year.

UK continues to offer growth for waste facilities. Balance of waste processing

around the country – importing waste from areas where EFW exceeds

capacity. Facilities in Dundee, Wisbch, Ridham and Plymouth.


Planning and approval for new facilities. Actively looking for new

opportunities. The Market continues offering opportunities for EFW and other

waste processing Facilities.


District heating, domestic heating supply – Round table with all social housing

providers and PCC. Conversations ongoing


Regeneration projects in Barne Barton – 2 Phase regeneration, Rebuilding

mixture of apartment’s flats and 2 to 3 bedroom houses, second phase in

conversation. Sanctuary housing undertaking new development, including

Care Home and cafe. Small domestic heating scheme able benefiting from

support and facilities. Ready to supply steam and hot water to a scheme.


Questions and comments from panel

Are groups still visiting the plant?


Jane clarified no unnecessary groups to site currently. Keen to start as soon

as possible. Able to deliver virtual support for schools. Geography students

created virtual tour of facility, currently software incompatible looking to

develop it to become a permeant part of website.


What is the current capacity for the plant? 265 left any further increase would

affect performance for facility.


Great to see number of complaints falling


Anthony Highlighted – Continuing to work on the heating working with housing

developers. 2019 report showed developments not viable even with significant

grants, NVV engaged with private sector energy companies for viable

approach, separate bid by PCC to explore alternative approach. Continuing

work to try and support.


Ashleigh Sherrell shared SWDWP Presentation –


Update on 19/20



- EFW operational for years 5 – minor service issues

- Improved availability exceeding target 91% Target

- 100% diversion from landfill against 97% Target

- 8 performance breaches – 6 turnaround breaches 2 security

- 0.95 % below tonnage forecast

- 1.9% Below Budget


20/21 update

- MVV continued service during pandemic now running at full capacity,

- 150 hours lost availability due to tube leaks (Aug 67 hours, Sept 83 hours)

- 2 performance indicators breaches

- 1 Odour compliant – Site visit completed spoke to resident

- 4.3% above forecast on tonnages for year, Plymouth 8% up, Devon 4% up

Torbay 2.9% down (due to trade waste closure)

- Major outage delayed due to Pandemic – 11th Sept to 18th October


Waste increasing due to pandemic


FOI requests received – Complaint to Information Commissioning officer

working with them to resolve.


Questions – No further Questions