Agenda item

Update from the Chief Executive on COVID-19 Reset/Response


TL: Since entering this second lockdown Plymouth City Council is very much in response mode be also in reset/recovery mode and so we are trying to do both. This does mean there is a huge call on capacity across the organisation.


We have reviewed our objectives:

1.    Preserve life and limit harm to the people of Plymouth.

2.    Maintain public services in line with the local outbreak management plan, taking into account government guidance and minimising risk to staff, customers and citizens.

3.    To provide visible and proactive community leadership

4.    Promote the economic and social recovery of the city


The majority of our services were continuing as they were before lockdown, there are very few that we have had to stop under the current government guidance. Unfortunately, however, this does include our Leisure Centres and The Box. We also have restricted services in the registration service and libraries. The majority of staff were also continuing to work from home.


thanked all our employees for all the work they have done in such a difficult year that continues to be difficult as they continue to deliver services, support each other and their families.


Craig McArdle (Strategic Director for People) –


·         Kept our day centres open to ensure carers were getting support and respite, although numbers were limited but assigned on level of need. We also have a mix of face to face and virtual interactions;


·         provided a winter plan to government and we have been proactive in issuing the infection control fund;


·         continued to issue PPE across the city and thank you to the staff doing this. Had now issued 1.7 million items of PPE to our providers since the pandemic began. We were continuing to support our care homes who were still facing pressures, and are supporting and helping to provide rapid testing.


Alison Botham (Director of Children’s Services) -


·         This time, for Children’s Services and our partners it was not the same as the first lockdown and was much better for lots of children and young people, e.g. schools are open, but there were continued challenges as they face incidents at different schools at different times. It was a credit to the schools in the city how they have been managing in this incredibly difficult term.

Our frontline staff in education and children’s social care have continued to work in response and recovery. Last time most of the work we were undertaking was virtually, but we are now able to provide more direct contact where needed. They are making risk based decisions on where this is needed and safe.

·         We are facing an increased demand as children’s social care; in September 2020 we were working with 2,004 children compared to 1,820 at the same time in 2019. Since the beginning of April, we have seen an increase to September of 46 children in care. It had been a real credit to our staff and all of our partners that moral is as good as it could be and the approach is always how can they provide the best service to the children and young people in the city.

This pandemic has brought about so many firsts and last week Councillor Tudor Evans OBE (Leader) and Tracey Lee (Chief Executive) had their first virtual royal visit with the Earl and Countess of Wessex explaining to them what was happening in the city – what was tough but also the amazing examples of how our city came together.


Cabinet noted the update.