Agenda item

Street Trading 2021/22


Emily Bullimore (BID Street Operations and Street Trading Manager) presented the Street Trading report 2021/22 which sought to set the process for the issuing and terms and conditions of consents for the 2021/11 trading year.  The following key points were highlighted -



the consent fees were adjusted in 2020/21 by 1.5% and for the year 2021/22 it was proposed that the Consent fees were not increased for any Street Trading sites; this was due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the financial pressures being placed on existing street traders during 2020/21 trading year, together with the decrease in footfall in the city centre;




as the current situation with the pandemic was constantly changing it was considered that the 2021/22 trading year would be less about income and more about supporting the high street and trades in the recovery process; in addition to this, three street traders had recently been lost and by maintaining static fees, it was hoped that this would encourage new street traders to apply for trade in the city centre;




during the 2021/22 trading year, work on New George Street and Old Town Street would be started by both Plymouth City Council and British Land; this would result in the probable temporary displacement of two of the current street traders and possible impact on others; during this period it was proposed to investigate temporary sites for displace traders and also for new static and roaming pitches within the city centre to add vibrancy and new traders to the high street; the proposed pitches would be submitted to the Committee early in 2021 when the plans for the work had been confirmed;




during the summer of 2020 ‘the pub on the piazza’ was put on the main piazza with paying concessions and the opportunity for pop-up traders;

it was proposed to hold a similar event in 2021.


The main areas of questions from the Committee included –



whether –





consideration had been given to freezing the fees for 2021/22 due to the impact of the pandemic on the street traders;






the Council’s policy for new pitches was too prescriptive and whether this should include street food and not just ice cream traders;






consideration had been given to reducing the fees in order to encourage a greater take up of pitches and therefore generate higher revenue;






consideration had been given to providing street traders with inducements;






progress had been made on investigating the cost of installing electrical hook up points;





sought clarification -





as to how the vacant sites were advertised (eg in trade magazines) and the need during quieter times for promotional work to take place on the piazza;






on the difference between ad hoc street trading and roaming sites;






on how many pitches were available and how many were currently vacant;






on whether the application form for street trading sites included whether the vehicle was compatible with an electric hook up;






on whether other forms of energy had been considered such as purpose built vans using solar panels to generate electricity.


The Committee agreed –



the Consent dates for 2021/22 of 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022;




the Consent fees set out in appendix A of this report for 2021/22;




the Service Director for Economic Development has delegated authority to approve, within Committee policy the issuing of Consents to existing city centre traders seeking to continue trading;




the Service Director for Economic Development has delegated authority to approve within the Committee policy the issuing of Consents to new traders or contested sites for city centre sites, in consultation with the Chair of the Licensing Committee and lead opposition member;




the Service Director for Economic Development has delegated authority to approve within Committee policy short-term street trading Consents in association with other city centre events and commercial activity;




the Service Director for Economic Development has delegated authority to approve and set fees for ad hoc street trading applications within Committee policy;




the Service Director for Economic Development has delegated authority to approve within Committee policy the issuing of Consents to existing ice cream traders seeking to continue trading;




the Service Director for Economic Development has delegated authority to approve within Committee policy the issuing of Consents to new traders or contested sites for vacant ice cream sites in consultation with the Chair of the Licensing Committee and lead opposition member;




the Service Director for Economic Development has delegated authority to approve within Committee policy the issuing of Consents to existing Hoe and Madeira Road Waterfront trading sites seeking to continue trading;




for the Hoe and Madeira Road Waterfront trading sites the Licensing Committee delegate approval to the Licensing Sub Committee for all new applications;




to approve investigation of new street trading sites and possible roaming sites in the light of the upcoming public realm and British Land works to New George Street and Old Town Street and report findings back to this Committee;




to approve the proposal for an alfresco dining experience for short-term traders on the piazza during the summer months.


Supporting documents: