Agenda item

Compassionate Cities


Gail Wilson and Abs from St Luke’s provided a presentation to the Board on Compassionate Cities:  It was reported that -


·         End of life care everyone’s responsibility;

·         Referral increasing;

·         Seeing late presentations with patients dying sooner;

·         Patients sicker and with more complex needs;

·         Covid bereavement line has been set up;

·         Covid has left the hospice struggling financially which has resulted in the transformation of their services;

·         Now need more than ever the support from the community;

·         697 compassionate friends and 436 within Plymouth;

·         Compassionate schools: -

-8 schools on the programme

-238 school staff trainer as compassionate friends

-360 pupils trained as compassionate buddies

-25 compassionate champions trained

-25 schools within the most deprived areas of Plymouth waiting to be trained

-Seeking funding from the University for a Schools Programme Coordinator


·         Outcomes

-Staff and pupils felt more confident

-Impact on children


·         Objective 2 – working with 13 organisations

·         Compassionate cafes -  8 across the city

Compassionate communities during COVID with 33 compassionate patient networks.


Questions related to:

·         How many GPs, opticians, pharmacies, dental practices aware of Compassionate Cities and links with these organisations?

·         Access to youth centres?


The Chair thanked Gail and Abs for the presentation and would take back the point the communications team to share the Compassionate Cities work.


The board noted the Compassionate Cities update.