Agenda item

Update from Board Members


The Chair invited Board Members to provide an update:


·       Alison Botham (Strategic Director of Children’s Services) reported that the schools response to the changes has been remarkable.  Attendance rates for last term were above average and they were working with schools to understand virtual learning and have a detailed picture of children being able to access learning at home.  It was also reported that schools were in the process for ensuring vulnerable and critical workers children were attending school.  Children’s Social Care has seen an increase in demand with 490 children in care and have seen a steady increase in vulnerable children requiring services. 


·       Claire Hill (Deputy CEO Mannamead Wellbeing Hub) reported that the voluntary and community sector were running to regulations and raised that the biggest issue for service users was anxiety and worry with regard to lockdown.


·       Ruth Harrell (Director of Public Health) reported that the rates were low compared to other areas and this was down to people of Plymouth.  This was an incredibly difficult time and would take a while before we were through this fully.


·       Nick Pennell (Healthwatch Devon, Plymouth and Torbay) reported that this was a challenging time for Healthwatch.  They have set up a number of new ways to engage with people and were revolving this.  Feedback received significantly lower and they were now producing quarterly themed reports which cover a number of issues.  They were working on a number of reports which include people’s experience of primary care services and were reviewing the public’s concerns around NHS dentists.  They were also revising the local forum and asked from expressions of interest from this group to participate in this new forum.


·       Craig McArdle (Strategic Director for People) reported that they were in the response mode and supporting care homes.  Day centres to remain open and shielding programme has been stood back up and running.  The urgent care system very busy and supporting discharging from hospital.