Agenda item
Children's Mental Health and support packages
Tracy Clasby (Livewell SW), Emma Crowther (Plymouth City Council) and Louise Arrow (NHS Devon CCG) were present for this item and referred to the presentation within the agenda pack. The report provides the Board with an update on provision and support for children and young people in Plymouth for emotional health and wellbeing. The Covid 19 pandemic has placed significant strain on some children and young people, with their usual support disrupted and reduced opportunities to be able to connect with peers and professionals, formally and socially.
The emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people in Plymouth forms a key part of the Bright Future vision for Plymouth. This emerging approach was currently in draft form and will form the partnership approach to meeting the needs of children and young people in the city over the next four years with the following priority areas:
· Healthy and Happy
· Safe
· Achieve and Aspire
Initial forecasting indicates a potential increase in demand of around 77% for children and young people’s mental health, across the range of need from emerging issues to more serious concerns. This demand forecasting has been based on a number of known risk factors for mental health (including experience of domestic abuse, sexual violence and other safeguarding concerns, as well as parental mental health and the impact of loss of income). This forecasting is being used to identify additional capacity and resource allocation.
The Board noted the Children’s Mental Health report and requested that Bright Futures is added to the work programme.
Supporting documents:
- HWBB briefing mental health Feb 2021 FINAL, item 39. PDF 265 KB
- HWBB CYP mental health slide pack, item 39. PDF 439 KB