Agenda item
Update from Board Members - Verbal Update
The Chair invited partners to provide an update from their service area and to share good practice/lessons learned.
Councillor Nicholson (Chair) reported that the new administration has a 100 day plan of commitments which include expediting the disability grant and the reform of funding of adult social care. A high priority also was access to GPs and dental health. The Integrated Care Partnership has been signed off and would become effective from 1 July 2021.
Craig McArdle (Strategic Director for People, Plymouth City Council) reported that the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) had been in development for a number of years and was back in 2013 by this Board. It was highlighted that the whole system was currently sustaining a lot a pressure. Welcomed the commitment from the Chair to push forward on the reform of adult social care. Due to pressures within the city they were looking to increase the capacity at the Care Hotel.
Mandy Seymour (Interim Chief Operating Officer, Livewell SW) reported that ICP has been a focus over the last few weeks and to be signed off by the Livewell SW Board next week. Also highlighted the pressure in the system with high volumes of people not well wanting to access services. They were looking at other solutions and working across the whole system to address these high volumes.
David Kincross (Healthwatch Devon, Plymouth and Torbay) reported that they were watching from the side-lines with regard to the ICP so that they could join the cohesive partnership working.
Anna Coles (Service Director for Integrated Commissioning, Plymouth City Council and NHS Devon CCG) reported ICP was key to the city and one of the priorities was around integrated care. Residents want to know what will be different to them and they would be working with Healthwatch to communicate this to the wider public.