Agenda item

Corporate Plan Performance Report Quarter One 2021/22


Kelly Blockley (Performance Advisor) and Hannah Daw (Performance Advisor) presented the report which highlighted the following key issues –



the report -





detailed how the Council was performing against its priority performance indicators that had been agreed at the inception of the Plan; it provided an analysis of performance as at the end of June 2021, against the Council’s key performance indicators (KPIs), providing a detailed performance update against the Plan’s priorities;






formed part of the Council’s Delivery and Performance Framework;  a key part of its aim was to achieve a ‘golden thread’ from the Plan and its KPIs and delivery plans, through to service and team level business plans and ultimately to individual objectives.


The Committee –



sought clarification -





on the percentage of Councillors and employees that had completed the e-learning training programme on climate change;






on how many of the 690 poor quality affordable homes that had been demolished had been replaced in the areas referred to in the Plan;






on whether the volunteering data included informal volunteering;






on whether the latest performance (89.3%) on the streets graded at an acceptable level for overall street cleanliness and grounds maintenance was benchmarked by the Office for National Statistics or other sources;






as to where the data originated from and the process for identifying the indicators that the Council wished to measure its performance against;





raised concerns relating to the low percentage (33.7%) of respondents that were aware of how they could get involved in decisions in their local area;





with regard to the description of key performance indicators, under the  -





‘green sustainable city that cares about the environment’, there had been no reference to the marine environment or the National Marine Park which was considered to be a serious omission;






‘vibrant economy developing quality jobs and skills’ this should include performance indicators on how growth was occurring in the city’;






‘efficient, sustainable transport network’ there were no indicators relating to a highly efficient well used public transport system, or a net zero public transport system or reference to buses within the Plan (in light of the discussion regarding the Bus Improvement Plan);





it would be helpful, if additional narrative could be included with the indicators, as this would assist the Committee to better understand the background issues (such as the inclusive growth earnings gap).


A discussion took place with regard to the relevance of a number of key performance indicators contained within the report, whether additional indicators needed to be included, the need for additional narrative and the need to undertake a formal review. This was considered important to enable the Committee to better scrutinise the Corporate Plan (relevant to the Committee’s areas of responsibilities).


Members were encouraged to email the Chair of the Performance, Finance and Customer Focus Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Councillor Penberthy) with any issues relating to the Committee’s areas of responsibility in the Plan.


Officers welcomed the feedback provided by the Committee and the importance of including the right performance indicators.


Information would be provided to the Committee (outside of this forum) relating to –



the percentage of Councillors and employees that had completed the e-learning training programme on climate change;




the number of quality affordable homes that had been replaced.


The Committee agreed –



to note the Corporate Plan quarter one performance report and consider the implications;




that through the Chair of the Performance, Finance and Customer Focus Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Councillor Penberthy), the issue of the relevance of a number of the key performance indicators would be raised at the forthcoming Scrutiny Management Board meeting in October 2021.



Supporting documents: