Agenda item

A Bright Future


Emma Crowther (Strategic Commissioning Manager) was virtually present for this item.  It was reported that:


A Bright Future was the partnership plan for children and young people.  With Plymouth City Council as the lead the plan has been shaped and informed by our partners to move forward with our vision that we were all agreed to ensure that all children in the city are safe, healthy, happy and aspire and achieve;


They wanted to recognise the impact of Covid and how they worked flexibly as a partnership;


Refresh of the 10 Wishes and that they still hold really true and the young people wanted professionals to continue to follow;


Underpinned by iThrive and Trauma Informed City to capture the key projects to ensure that the plan would be relevant for a long time as well as being ambitious for the city’s children.


The Plan underpinned by following principles:


Prevention is a fundamental aspect of provision

Early help will be embedded across the system

Innovation and evidence informs our interventions with families

Systems should be responsive and accessible, not waiting for crisis to happen before help is offered

Approaches must build on the strength and resilience of individuals, families and communities

We explore the root causes of disadvantage and improve inclusion and improve opportunities for inclusion

Raising attainment is critical to reducing the impact of poverty

We listen to what children, young people and families tell us and use this to drive change

We challenge ourselves to make sure we have the right support available at the right time and in the right place to support families

We ask ourselves whether we are working together as well as we can

We consider whether we are taking into account all the factors/context in the life of a child, including both resilience and risk


Next Steps:

Finalising governance proposals:

Establishing a Strategic System Leadership Board

Creation of a new Healthy and Happy group

Plymouth Education Board = Aspire and Achieve

Plymouth Safeguarding Children’s Partnership = Safe

Ceasing the CYP System Design Group

Clarity on where key projects cross more than one governance group, e.g. Emotional Health and Wellbeing Steering Group

Visibility of reporting into Local Care Partnership


Questions from the Panel related to:


Young Carers and that these children have huge responsibilities at the expense of their education.  How are these children supported?


The physical health of children and taking exercise during Covid taken forward and other ways of dealing with mental health rather than taking a prescription? 


The Health and Wellbeing Board noted the Bright Future Report.

Supporting documents: